【CASTING CALL】Seeking Chinese looking female fitness model 20-30 yrs old

for major TV commercial production
Seeking Chinese-looking Female Fitness Model Ages 20-30
A global electronics company is seeking 20-30 yrs old Chinese-looking female fitness model for a major TV commercial production . No acting experience needed, but you must be able to work legally in the U.S. Once selected, you can participate in top quality TV commercial production and appear on TV screen; you can earn up to $627.75 a day, and additional compensation if your spot is aired.
We are seeking
Chinese looking female fitness model 20–30 yrs old
Clean Image, Runs Regularly
Must be able to work legally in the U.S.
Audition Date
3/11 Friday
Audition Location
Mar Vista
Shoot Date
3/16 Wednesday
How to apply:
- Send us your most recent photos by email (cannot exceed 2MB)
- Include your name, age & contact number at the email and send to
talent@lajajakids.com & yumitakada@mac.com
- We will e-mail to make appointment with you about audition time
For more info, please contact us by phone or by e-mail. Please call us at 323.728.7200, or e-mail us at info@lajajakids.com
Disclaimer: La JaJa Kids is not affiliated with the production team. Our job in this project is to post and announce this casting notice, we are not responsible for the result of the audition or production project.