新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延,讓各國從政府官員到普羅大眾都擔心不已,目前已經出現停課停市的狀況,希望能盡快將疫情控制。丫丫園地的小記者們一直緊貼事態發展,在上星期把握機會與一位重要人物進行採訪,就是在上個月擔任美國武漢撤僑專機機長~~丁毓麟醫師 Dr. J. Ting !

身兼醫生與機長的丁醫生是一位非常傑出與特別的人物,這次美國由武漢撤僑的專機也是由他負責駕駛。丁醫師熱心公益多才多藝,除了熱愛飛行之外,他也現任加州 City of Hope 醫院的特約醫師,擁有多年豐富臨床經驗。我們很高興這次能邀請他和大家分享他的人生經歷,包括他如何成功載回201人返美的經過,並分享有關防疫的專業知識和重要資訊,更現場接受觀眾的線上提問。
這次特別專訪已經在三月七日在 Facebook 直播舉行,如果您當天錯過了這個精彩的直播訪問,可以點擊以下鏈接觀看錄影視頻!另外,幾位小記者並以文字記錄了當天大家的訪問,讓大家對丁醫師有更深入的認識,千萬不要錯過喔!
這次活動由 INLA 熱情贊助,希望由這次活動能傳遞正確的醫療常識,同時也帶給大家正面能量的訊息。

Personnel in protective clothing approach an aircraft, chartered by the U.S. State Department to evacuate government employees and other Americans from the novel coronavirus threat in the Chinese city of Wuhan, after it arrived at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, California, U.S., January 29, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Blake
About Dr. J. Ting
Originally from Taiwan, J. Ting, D.O., received his medical degree from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995; completed his pediatrics internship at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in 1996 and emergency medicine residency at Cleveland Clinic Health Systems/South Pointe Hospital in 1999.He has over 20 years of experience in medicine both as a critical care hospitalist, and an emergency medicine physician.Dr. Ting had also worked 11 years with Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers as a stadium physician treating all in-game emergencies. He’s appeared regularly as a special guest commentator in medicine and aviation for Los Angeles’ local Mandarin and Cantonese language radio station KAZN AM1300 and KMRB AM1430. He has been a flight instructor for many years; currently is an airline pilot for Kalitta Air flying the Boeing 747; after previously flying the Boeing 777 for Southern Air and Embraer 175 for United Airlines.