瑪麗皇后號快樂聖誕 Queen Mary Christmas 精彩紛呈 (11/23-1/6)


轉眼間,聖誕的鐘聲已經越來越近了,每年的聖誕節,位於長灘市的瑪麗皇后號都是大家最愛去的過節熱點,今年也不例外,雖然沒有了冰雪銀裝 CHILL 冰雕展,但是佳節氣氛絲毫不減,今年的聖誕活動以郵輪和互動活動為主題,讓大家過一個充滿懷舊氣氛的冬日佳節。

前幾天,小記者 Amber 獲邀代表丫丫園地出席瑪麗皇后號快樂聖誕 Queen Mary Christmas 的開幕盛典大派對,除了親身試玩各種好玩遊戲,更在紅地毯上與到場的多位紅人嘉賓互動採訪,非常開心呢!



瑪麗皇后號快樂聖誕 Queen Mary Christmas 的精彩活動:

日期:2018年 11月 23日 – 2019年 1月 6日

地點:The Queen Mary, 1126 Queens Highway Long Beach, CA 90802

門票:成人 $22 , 兒童 (11歲以下) $16


11 月 23 日這晚,一棵八十呎高的、超過 45,000 顆 LED 燈點亮的聖誕樹在瑪麗皇后號正式點亮,代表著 Queen Mary Christmas 正式開幕。

今年的 Queen Mary Christmas 將有各式各樣的聖誕主題活動,其中由魔術師 Aiden Sinclair 精心打造的表演 Ghost of Christmas Passed: A Theatrical Seance,讓觀眾在全新的 Revenant Room 劇院體驗一場互動式的難忘演出。

Breakfast with Santa 和 Holiday Dinner Show,將美食、聖誕老人和精彩歌舞一起送上,肯定是小朋友最愛。大型的 True North Ice Rink 戶外溜冰場,以及許多互動親子活動,如薑餅屋和聖誕襪製作活動,都是爸媽小孩一起歡度佳節的好選擇。



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Queen Mary Christmas: Where the Holidays Set Sail!

By: Amber Lin

On Nov. 27th, in the afternoon, I rushed out of school, jumped in my parents’ car, and we vroomed off. I was particularly for this because I couldn’t wait to get to Queen Mary Christmas Media & VIP Night to experience “Queen Mary Christmas”! As a news reporter of La JaJa Kids, this is my first time to cover the first-hand information about the annual Queen Mary event. Actually, I was in the most-visited Chill in 2018. Thus, I was expecting how exciting change it’d be to make Queen Mary Christmas onboard!

This year Queen Mary decides to make fans and tourists step aboard the legendary ocean liner for an all-new holiday adventure. This event takes place from November 23, 2018 to January 6th, 2019, so being able to cover this holiday perk for a limited time is spectacular!

The Media & VIP Night started from the red carpet which I was so excited to interview the celebrities so close. The attendants are actors from Disney Channel, movies and TV programs. They’re all looking forward to the Christmas tree lighting and Ice-Skating. After a couple of snapshots and interviews, I flew up to Christmas tree lighting ceremony on the mast of the ship.

If you’ve never got onboard Queen Mary, you definitely need a map to help you find the activities in this huge ship. When we were walking, the lovely voice already was transmitted in the air. They’re carolers in the traditional costume, singing for the crowd.

On the Ship Bow’s ceremony, the captain and Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus were welcoming us. Then Christmas Tree burst into the different colors of Christmas. It was as if an artist came and spilled her color changing paints. The previous carolers also joined with some new carolers and started ramming all the lively Christmas music.

The carolers’ happy songs with the breathtaking view of Long Beach made the evening a perfect moment. The lights twinkling from the faraway buildings reflected in the still, dark water, looking like a star constellation.

Some other things I checked out were the Stocking Shop, the Gingerbread Village, the Holiday Promenade, and the Polar Express 4D. Lollipops and gingerbread popped up all over the place in the Gingerbread Village, and the Holiday Promenade’s lights created a wave like illusion. The Polar Express 4D captured my heart. As much as the other things in this event amazed me, the Polar Express 4D transformed into the cherry on top of my sundae! This featured the shorter version of the  movie, the Polar Express, but with a pair of fresh, new eyes. Queen Mary’s Theater definitely has improved technology because there were effects for not just fake snow, wind shaking seats, and water, but also smell! The smell during the movie appeared when the chefs and waiters served children on the Polar Express hot chocolate. I had to admit, the smell of chocolate watered my mouth so even I wanted to savor it! The last stop we visited is Ice Skating on Sports Deck. We enjoyed watching young people skate on the deck, showing their happiness and thrilling feeling on the ice!

When our trip ended around the ship, I collapsed onto our car with a tired grin on my face. It was already 8:00pm. Yes, that was tiring, but everything I experienced made the trip worth it! This is one of the most anticipated tours for the all families in Southern California to celebrate Christmas! You definitely need to check out our FB to find out more information!


