KidsFest 2018 is Coming to Arcadia on October 14th! Mark Your Calendar!

kidsfest 2018 banner

爸媽孩子們看過來!2018 KidsFest 親子童樂日 將於 10月14日 (星期天) 10am — 4pm 在亞凱迪亞社區中心舉行,今年除了有好玩親子遊戲、攤位展覽與精彩演出外,還有多個親子教育講座 和 Family Swap Meet 小小跳蚤市場,更多詳情即將陸續公佈,記得 10/14 與丫丫園地一年一度的約會喔!


  • 教育資訊展位

  • 親子講座教室

  • 小小跳蚤市場

  • 繽紛互動遊戲

  • 抽獎 + 禮物包

  • 現場舞台表演

swap meet banner

Family Swap Meet 小小跳蚤市場

Time for End of Summer Cleaning! Calling All Youths and Families to Become Business People!

Don’t miss the first Family Swap Meet at KidsFest 2018 this year. Many families will be selling their gently used baby and kid items. This is also a great place for teachers, parents and others to shop. Free Admission for the public.

Time for End of Summer Cleaning! Calling All Youths and Families to Become Business People!

$15  one 6′ x 6′ space (1 table + 2 chairs)

$25 one 10′ x 10′ canopy space (1 table + 2 chairs, canopy allowed but not provided)

Spaces are limited, act fast and sign up now!  You will have to pay for your space up front. Each booth is only $25 (one table and two chairs)

Note: Sale of food or beverage is not allowed. No used car seats are allowed for resale.

Register now: email or call 323-728-7200



Family & Education Workshops

11:00am – 12:00pm  STEAM Science Workshop (for ages 6-8)

12:00pm – 1:00pm  Fun Numbers Math Workshop (for ages 8-12)

12:00pm – 1:00pm  Bento Making Workshop (for 1 parent + 1 child)

1:00pm – 2:00pm  STEAM Science Workshop (for ages 9-12)

1:00pm – 2:00pm  Chinese Learning Workshop (for ages 3-6)

2:00pm – 3:00 pm  Bento Making Workshop (for 1 parent + 1 child)

2:00pm – 3:00 pm  Floral Design Workshop (for 1 parent + 1 child) 

Workshop Description 

** STEAM Science Workshop  by Curious Kids

Alka Kumar is a nature lover and an enthusiastic science educator! She’s been teaching at the Institute for Educational Advancement for the past three years teaching gifted and highly gifted kids that attend private/public schools and home-schooled kids. She currently teaches and have taught Curious Kids Science Enrichment classes to Pre-K to upper elementary and Junior high kids in Arcadia, Temple City, Walnut and Rolling Hills.


** Bento Making Workshop by SmartEaters

據說便當是由日本發展出來,起源可追溯到鎌倉幕府時代,而可愛的造型便當,則是日本媽媽為了改善挑食的孩子而發想創作的,之後蔚為風潮,目前這股風潮已吹向全世界。一起跟著營養師 Hazel Ng 的團隊來動手製作一份健康又可愛的營養便當,大人小孩都會玩得好開心!

** Fun Numbers Math Workshop by Cool Math

Virginia Wong is the director of Math is Cool, a non-profit to promote the love of math learning. She holds master degree in math education and teaching credential. Number Tournament is an initiative from Math is Cool to boost number sense through games. It is organized by Alicia Y, Merrick H, Josiah K and Mark L, most of them are from Arcadia High School. 


**  Chinese Learning Workshop by Ms. Joy Ho (for ages 3-6)

Ms. Joy Ho is a mom, a teacher, a promoter of family learning, and a devoted fan of Chinese culture. Her passion is to help people at all ages to understand and appreciate the beauty of Chinese language. Parents are, as they should be, the best teachers for their children. Learning Chinese together through daily activities and games provides great benefits not only for building a solid foundation for language development but also for building a stronger relationship between parents and children. If you have children age 3-6 and are interested in teaching Chinese at home. Please join us to explore the fun in family learning! 

** Floral Design Workshop by Annhe Floral Creations

南加著名花藝大師 Ms. Ann He 將親自教授大家插花的基本概念和技巧,讓你和孩子一起掌握基礎花藝,親子共同將花材創作成花藝擺設,將大自然的真善美迎進家中。


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