
Microsoft Word - 生活講座 parenting.docx




日期及時間: 7 15 & 8 12日 (星期日)下午 2:00-3:30pm

主辦及地點: 聖安台福基督教會, 225 E. Live Oak Ave., ArcadiaCA 91006

聯絡:聖安台福基督教會 Grace 626-203-7674 graceh427@gmail.com

 免費入場, 會後將有 Q & A,並有茶點招待

講座一 July 15, Sunday, 2:00pm 


Let’s Talk: How to Communicate with Our Children


Good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Talk to our children so we can teach and provide guidance. It also promotes self-confidence and family cohesiveness. Let’s learn how to listen and know what to say.

講座二 August 12, Sunday, 2:00pm

主題:你能掌控嗎?  親子管教問題探討

Effective Parenting: Discipline Issues


Discipline is not all about control and punishment. It is a way to teach and instill self- control in our children. It gives children a structure so they can fit into the real world happily. This presentation will give you different ideas to manage children’s behaviors effectively.

講者 Speaker ~

許湘翎心理學博士 Hsiang Ling Hsu, Psy.D.,

亞太心理輔導與治療中心SSG/Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Centers & 喜瑞都辦公室項目經理 Program Manager, Cerritos Office

許博士有多年的家庭心理輔導經驗,畢業於Alliant International University/California School of Professional Psychology臨床心理學博士, 加州執照 California Licensed Psychologist.

Microsoft Word - 生活講座 parenting.docx