之前為大家預告過,加州有史以來最大規模的古埃及文物展~~《KING TUT 圖坦卡門黃金法老寶藏展》終於要在加州科學館開幕啦!
正式開幕前,丫丫小記者 Jaslyne 有幸來到加州科學中心 California Science Center 特別舉辦的媒體參觀日,率先一睹這位史上最年輕、神秘法老墓穴裡的華麗寶藏,實在是興奮不己!
媒體參觀日出席的嘉賓陣容非常強大,包括洛杉磯市長 Eric Garcetti、埃及總領事 Lamia Mekhemar、加州科學中心總裁 Jeff Rudolph、資深埃及史學家 Dr. Zahi Hawass、IMG 總監 Stephen Flint Wood,以及多位科學中心總監,包括 John Norman、Andy Numhauser 以及資深策展人 Dr. Diane Perlov
小記者更榮幸採訪到整個活動的資深策展人 Dr. Diane Perlov,進一步了解展覽的背景詳情,實在是獲益良多。
趕快跟著小記者的腳步,一起揭開這沉睡 3,000寶物的神秘面紗吧!~
KING TUT: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh Exhibition
展期:3月24日至 1月6日
地點:California Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Dr, Los Angeles, ca 90037 [map]
時間:10:00am – 3:30 pm 分段入場,每半小時為一個時段,購票時先選好時段
門票:$29.92 adult, $19.50 child (4-12), $26.95 student/senior, audio guide $6
此次展覽分成兩館展出,分別在 1 樓及 3 樓,從3樓的序曲中,推開神秘之門

A gilded wooden figure of Tutankhamun on a skiff, throwing a harpoon. (Laboratoriorosso)

Embalmers placed several wesekh collars between the mummy’s layers of bandages. With new scientific analysis, we now know more about King Tut’s life and death. (Laboratoriorosso)

This ceremonial gilded wooden bed was probably made for King Tut’s funeral. (Laboratoriorosso)
還特地將 King Tut的陵墓,完整呈現出來 ~
看完小記者的影片,是不是更想瞭解這位神秘的法老王,那就趕快保握這次海外巡展的最後機會,到 California Science Center去參觀他的寶物喔!展期結束後,所有文物將送回埃及收藏,錯過這次機會,就只能到埃及的 The Grand Egyptian Museum 去參觀囉!
More Info about the Exhibition:
To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, the California Science Center proudly presents the world premiere of KING TUT: TREASURES OF THE GOLDEN PHARAOH–the largest King Tut exhibition ever toured! Discover over 150 authentic artifacts from King Tut’s celebrated tomb–60 of which have never traveled outside of Egypt, until now.
In a dramatic new presentation, dazzling multimedia complements rare artifacts to take guests on an immersive journey of the pharaoh’s quest for immortality. Examine exquisite rings found on King Tut’s fingers, opulent jewelry that adorned his body, and the gold sandals placed on his feet upon burial. Discover how the scientific analysis of King Tut’s 3,300-year-old mummy has revealed new information about his health and lineage, and how cutting-edge technologies have played a role in discovering new tombs and analyzing existing ones in ways never before imagined.
Enhance your experience! Enjoy Mysteries of Egypt on our 7–story IMAX® screen!
SAVE when you purchase tickets to both the exhibition and an IMAX® movie!
Explore a fascinating empire and discover why Egypt’s unique treasures have captivated the world for over 5,000 years. Accompany the National Geographic team as they uncover the secrets of the pharaohs’ tombs and the pyramids. Soar over the great pyramids of Giza, rush over the Nile, cross the deathly quiet Valley of the Kings, and descend into the shadowy chambers of the sacred tomb of King Tutankhamun. Watch as ancient Egypt comes to life on our 7-story IMAX screen! Starring native Egyptian and legendary actor Omar Sharif.