小記者訪問加州財長 John Chiang 江俊輝   詳談 ScholarShare 529 新計劃助低中收入家庭儲蓄大學學費

星期四早上,加州科學中心的太空穿梭機 Endeavor 號前聚集了一群充滿朝氣的小學生和不少傳媒記者,等待著加州財長 John Chiang 江俊輝和一眾嘉賓出席新聞發布會,宣布由加州財長辦公室與 ScholarShare 529 大學儲蓄計劃聯手推出的一項 Matching Grant Program 新計劃,協助低中收入家庭為子女大學教育展開儲蓄。

丫丫小記者 Matthew 也在記者席中,會後他更爭取機會與財長 John Chiang 面對面進行訪談,了解這項計畫的詳情。小記者第一次訪問活動的表現如何?大家一起來看看吧!

Can you imagine college already mostly paid for? Well, Scholarshare 529 allows you to do just that. Scholarshare 529 is one of the nation’s top performing college savings plans and the new program is used to help low- and moderate- income California families to jump-start saving for college. This Matching Grant Program helps families open a college savings account and counter rising tuition costs, one of the most significant obstacles to securing a higher education. According to State Treasurer John Chiang, chair of the ScholarShare Investment Board, “The wealth gap in our country is the widest it has been in 40 years and the ability to afford higher education is becoming increasingly difficult for low-  and moderate-income California Families.”

   On December 6, 2017, at the California Science Center, a group of 5th graders gathered together and were inspired by Treasurer Chiang by shooting for the stars just like the spaceship Endeavor right behind Mr. Chiang. “Instead of just putting money for certain types of ads, we wanted families to have that money and to build good financial habits by investing as frequently as they can, to set aside those dollars so that they can gather investment earnings so that when the young children become young adults and they go off to college, they can focus on studies and the college experience.” At the end of the interview, Treasurer Chiang stated that he is running for California governor in 2018.



Scholarshare Matching Grant Program

加州財長江俊輝推動 529 大學儲蓄計劃 協助中低收入家庭儲備大學教育資金

加州財長江俊輝與全國表現最佳的大學儲蓄計劃ScholarShare 529昨日聯手宣布一項新的計劃,協助低中收入家庭為子女大學教育展開儲蓄。

這項「匹配補助金計劃」(Matching Grant Program)將幫助家庭開設大學儲蓄帳戶,以抵銷學費的不斷上升。現時,學費上升是青年完成高等教育的最大障礙之一。



該計劃提供不少彈性,資金可用於任何獲得認證的高等教育,包括社區大學和職技學校,以及其他獲得批准的教育開銷。而且,ScholarShare 529的帳戶儲蓄不會影響申領大多數州政府福利的資格,例如以工代賑(CalWORKS)和糧食券(CalFresh)。


ScholarShare 529是加州在1999年創辦的官方大學儲蓄計劃,截至2017年10月止共有近30萬個帳戶及逾80億元資產。

Junior journalist Matt attended ScholarShare California’s 529 College Savings Plan Press Conference at California State Treasurer John Chiang announces the launch of its Match Grant Program to benefit more families and enable more kids to pursue their dreams

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