Five Best Places to Watch Solar Eclipse on 8/21 + Safety Tips


8月21日星期一,長達2分40秒的日全食將震撼美國從 西岸到東岸一千多萬人口和數百萬訪客,成為互聯網特別是社交媒體有史以來最重大事件。來自全球各地的天文愛好者做好旅行計劃,而美國各地的相關慶典、派對和慶祝活動計劃也相應展開。這是美國1776年建國以來,第一個僅在美國境內掠過的日全食,而沒有掠過其他國家;同時這也將是99年來掠過美國全境的日全食現象;也是自1970年以來,美國覆蓋範圍最廣、最容易觀測日全食的機會。




全國十幾州政府已制定各種應變計劃,以迎戰公路交通擠塞、供電緊張、通訊系統超負和 學童出入安全等各種問題。在狹窄的全食帶外,全美國大陸也將可看到起碼半個太陽被月球遮掩的日偏食,洛杉磯地區在10:21am 左右將見太陽的70%直徑被遮掩,整個過程由 9:05至11:45,長約2小時40分鐘。

日食時間表 Eclipse Highlights:

日偏食開始 Partial Eclipse Begins: 9:06 a.m.
最大面積日偏食 Maximum Eclipse: 10:22 a.m.
日偏食結束 Partial Eclipse Ends: 11:45 a.m.


1) Solar Eclipse Viewing with JPL at Kidspace Museum

位於 Pasadena 的童樂館將與太空總署合作,為前來的小朋友提供護目鏡,並教大家安全觀察日食的方法;同時,NASA 更將設立同步視頻,讓大家可以看到在日食觀察帶地區的日全食過程!

Join NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Kidspace from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm to experience the rare solar eclipse event. You can safely view the eclipse using special, free solar sunglasses from JPL* and by making pinhole viewers in the Imagination Workshop. While Pasadena won’t experience a total solar eclipse, you can watch the NASA live stream as it occurs across the United States.

  • Central Courtyard – Decorate your own, JPL solar glasses and view the eclipse
  • Celebration Center – Watch the total solar eclipse live across the United States
  • Imagination Workshop – Make pinhole viewers to safely project the eclipse on the ground

2) Griffith Observatory


Naturally, Griffith Observatory is hosting a viewing event, featuring telescope viewing from the lawn, sidewalks and on the coelostat (solar telescope) in the Hall of the Sky (note: personal telescopes aren’t allowed). Crowds will likely be huge(r than usual), so they’re recommending people take the DASH bus from the Vermont/Sunset Red Line

3) Mt. SAC-Randall Planetarium


Mt. SAC-Randall Planetarium will run special shows highlighting the eclipse. Solar telescopes will be set up for the public to view the eclipse safely. Both telescope viewing and planetarium shows are free! Bring your sunblock and hats; the eclipse will last a couple hours from start to finish. Seats are given on a first come, first served basis.

4) California Science Center

Besides a viewing event on Monday (near the museum’s parking structure), the CSC is hosting a two-day Solar Eclipse Festival on Saturday and Sunday, featuring hands-on activities and info about how to prepare to safely view the eclipse come Monday. 


5) Caltech

加州理工學院將舉行日食觀賞派對,除了一起觀測日食外,Caltech 的太空科學家們將在現場為大家解答所有有關日食和天文的問題!

On the college’s Beckman Lawn, Caltech is hosting a viewing party with solar telescopes, eclipse glasses and a livestream from the path of totality. Astrophysicists will answer questions and the event is free and open to everyone, kids included.






