How I Designed an Award-Winning Math-themed Board Game

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年僅十歲的 Matt Cheng 在上個月橙縣舉行的數學嘉年華教學主題桌上遊戲設計大賽中,用了僅僅一小時,設計出一套既好玩又具教育性的 “Multiplication Mathland” ,將乘法融入有趣的冒險遊戲中,被評審選為大獎得主,更有多位家長觀眾看中他的遊戲設計,願意出資購買!

想知道這套遊戲設計有多好玩?一起來看看發明者 Matt 的現身說法 . . .


Matt Cheng only got an hour and limited supply of materials at this year’s OC Math Fair, and he designed a Multiplication Mathland board game. The board game was so fun and successful that it won the Game-a-thon challenge voted by parents and kids at the Math Fair! His prize was a pair of tickets to Disneyland. Way to go Matt!!

Matt’s game finds a fun way to allow 1st- to 3rd graders to practice multiplication tables in a creative way.