Casting Call for Chinese-looking Young Adult Female


* 全 新 電 視 廣 告 角 色 甄 選 *



happy and beautiful young woman face

Asian woman beauty face close-up portrait. Beautiful attractive mixed race Chinese / Asian / Caucasian female model with perfect skin isolated over black background.

一個國際品牌正拍攝大型電視廣告,我們誠邀所有對演藝活動有興趣的華裔女性參加試鏡。無須演戲經驗,但必須有在美合法工作身份。一經選中,你可以參與好萊塢最頂級的電視廣告製作,每日賺取 $671.70演員工會日薪,網絡播出後另加 $2686.80 豐富酬勞;拍攝將會在9月中進行。

招 募 對 象:

Pretty Asian guitarist girl in jeans jacket and fedora hat smiles at camera while holding her electric guitar, on white background

* 兩名貌似20歲左右年輕華裔女模特兒/演員 *
* 外貌甜美、炫酷冷艷、開朗幽默、歡迎任何外型女性參加試鏡 *
* 須有在美國合法工作身份 *
試鏡日期:9/7 或 9/8
9/13 綵排
9/14 或 9/15 拍攝
提供試鏡者近照(file size 不可超過2MB) 連同姓名、聯絡電話、居住城市,一同 email 至 &
**Disclaimer: La JaJa Kids is not affiliated with the production team. Our job in this project is to post and announce this casting notice, we are not responsible for the result of the audition or production project. 免責聲明:丫丫園地與節目製作單位並無隸屬關係,本網站僅提供付費廣告刊登服務,有關試鏡甄選結果、拍攝內容及製作過程等,本網站恕不負責。**

Casting Call for Chinese looking female, who can play 20’s girl

For TV commercial in China, for major, world famous company.

Audition will be held in Santa Monica on 9/7 or 9/8.

We will book 2 girls, working on;

9/12 fitting (a few hours)

9/13 rehearsal

9/14 or 9/15 shooting

Rate: It’s based on Screen Actor’s Guild scale

$671.70 for each shooting day, $2,686.80 for internet

Since we will book 2 girls, we would like to see all kinds of girls like Beautiful, Cool, Interesting, long hair, any hair style,

Black or dyed hair, etc…

** Please understand that we can only hire performers who can legally work in US with valid O-1 visa (artist visa), permanent residence visa or US citizen for entertainment business.

Please send us your headshot (snap shot is OK) in small file, along with cell#, e-mail address, city of residence to;

Yumi Takada Casting