Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids 

Age 2 to 3

- Help make the bed (pull the covers up)

- Pick up toys

- Hang clothes on hooks

- Help feed pets

- Help wipe up spills

Age 4 to 5

- The ones mentioned above plus:

- Making own bed

- Clear dishes from table

- Set the table

- Dust furniture

- Help in the kitchen

- Help carry groceries

Ages 6 to 12

- The ones mentioned above plus:

- Take care of pets

- Cook simple food

- Vacuum, sweep and mop

- Help clean the bathroom

- Be able to use the washing machine and dryer

- Help fold laundry

- Take out the rubbish

Ages 13 and up

- The ones mentioned above plus:

- Change a light bulb

- Replace vacuum cleaner bags

- Clean out refrigerator

- Clean stove and over

- Prepare a meal

- Make a grocery list

- Do all laundry functions

- Mow the lawn