太平洋水族館 Pacific Visions 影音戲院隆重開幕


剛剛在去年舉辦了二十週年慶祝活動的長灘太平洋水族館(Aquarium Of The Pacific)在昨天又舉行了一項大型活動 ~~ 經過幾年的設計和籌建,太平洋水族館的全新3D 影音戲院 Pacific Vision 隆重開幕了,耗資五千三百萬元,佔地兩萬九千呎的影音戲院 Pacific Visions,以豐富多元的海洋動物及網路互動教育,及全新的震撼視聽體驗,為觀眾帶來不一樣的水族館新感受!入場前,你還可以下載免費手機程式 app,有好玩遊戲和知識小挑戰,讓你的遊覽體驗更豐富有趣呢!

位於長灘的太平洋水族館是佔地超過 5 英畝,每年造訪人次超過一萬五千人。水族館內展示五百多種共 11,000 隻海洋生物,並設有三大太平洋海洋生物展覽區,分別為:

  • 充滿陽光的南加州和下加里福尼亞區
  • 寒冷的北太平洋海域
  • 擁有五顏六色的珊瑚礁的熱帶太平洋區


聯絡電話:(562) 590-3100

地址:100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802

基本門票:ADULT $34.95, CHILD (3-11) $24.95 SENIOR (62+) $31.95

含互動影院票:ADULT $54.95 CHILD (3-11) $40.95 SENIOR (62+) $50.95

Infinity coral view with mirrors - popup

Art Gallery

The Pacific Visions experience begins in an art gallery to immerse visitors in a sensory space that sparks curiosity and inspiration. The opening installation was created by Convivial Studio, a European art and design practice based in Germany, and features elements that give visitors a new perspective of the ocean. These include a series of video projections, Coral World and Plankton World, accompanied by soundscapes, a touchable relief wall with video projections, glass sculptures inspired by plankton, and a collection of mirrored exhibits called Infinity Coral.

Orientation Gallery with Visitors - popup

Orientation Gallery

Visitors gather in the orientation gallery to view a short film and interact with a virtual waterfall. The projected virtual waterfall flows down one wall and onto the floor, inviting visitors to interact with it. The pre-show film introduces visitors to the Pacific Visions theater experience. Stunning imagery of wildlife, nature, and people show the beauty of our planet and its history. Images and inspiring quotes reveal our changing relationship with nature.

Pacific Visions Honda theater seat view with turtle image - popup

Honda Pacific Visions Theater

The Honda Pacific Visions Theater has more than 300 stadium-style seats facing a 32-foot-tall, 130-foot-wide screen that is curved in a 180-degree arc to capture viewers’ entire range of vision.

The stage includes a 36-foot-wide, oval-shaped disc that tilts up to display images projected onto the floor. The new Designing Our Future show playing in the theater immerses visitors in underwater realms, stunning landscapes, and visions of the future. The show is enhanced with multisensory effects, including seat rumblers, strobe light effects, fog, wind, and scents.

Culmination Gallery with Visitors and Tables - popup

Culmination Gallery

After the theater show, visitors enter the culmination gallery, which features a massive interactive projection wall, game tables, and animal exhibits. These exhibits help visitors learn more about, explore, and create a sustainable future.


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific

Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific

Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific


Photo: Tom Bonner, Aquarium of the Pacific