【小記者訪問】專訪著名歷史童書作家 Icy Smith

icy smith

我們常說,現在一代的小朋友身在福中不知福,哪裡曉得當年亞裔新移民初來美國時所遇到的種種困難。原來在美國,專門為兒童讀者介紹亞裔移民歷史的童書有如鳳毛麟角,直到10年前一位對歷史極具使命感的華裔作家 Icy Smith (鄧瑞冰)加入了童書作家行列,才逐漸填補了這個真空。

來自香港的鄧瑞冰在2000年推出第一本書「寂寞的辮子」(The Lonely Queue),詳實記錄洛杉磯地區150年來的華人移民史。得到很大回響,並獲Clarion著作獎。之後的十年間,鄧瑞冰陸續出版了三本童書 (Mei Ling in China City, Half a Spoon of Rice, Three Years and Eight Months),希望藉由歷史童書,告訴現進的孩子們那段被遺忘的亞裔歷史。鄧瑞冰的每一本書都改寫自真實故事,並進行了長時間的人物研究和訪問,所以雖然故事情節為了適應兒童讀者的程度而做出了調整,但歷史的真實感仍然非常強烈,所以每本書都獲得很大的迴響,並且獲獎無數。

丫丫小記者 Karen 和 Isabel 有幸與鄧瑞冰見面,聽她親自講述幾本童書的故事,並和 Icy 進行了訪談,獲益良多。大家一起來看看小記者們的感想吧(並請留意下期的錄影專訪)。

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Karen Shi


On September 18, 2015, three Junior Journalists– Isabel, Jaslyne, and I, Karen– went to Manhattan Beach to interview the award winning author, Ms. Icy Smith. This is what I have learned about her:

Ms. Smith has written many books, such as Half Spoon of Rice, The Lonely Queue, and Mei Ling in China City. Her books are about the history of Asian people who have been treated wrongly because of race and culture. For example, her first children’s book –Mei Ling in China City– is about two friends . . . READ MORE >>



On September 18, I was privileged enough to have the pleasure of interviewing  the famous Ms. Icy Smith. She is a children’s book author and the founder of the East West Discovery Press.

Our interview was conducted at her residence. Her house was very big. It had a huge spiral staircase that led up to the second story. Inside the house also had a very nice fragrance smell to it. There was a gigantic bookshelf on the right . . . READ MORE >>


Icy Smith 的著名亞裔歷史童書

Mei Ling in China City by Icy Smith and Gayle Garner Roski (May 1, 2008) 描寫住在洛杉磯華埠的華裔女孩美玲,因為二戰爆發美國政府驅逐日裔,不得不和她最好的朋友秋山八重子分離。現實生活中的美玲和秋山八重子,則因鄧瑞冰的書牽線而重聚。

Half Spoon of Rice: A Survival Story of the Cambodian Genocide by Icy Smith and Sopaul Nhem (Jan 1, 2010) 描寫一個孩子在柬埔寨大屠殺中倖存,和家人團圓後移民來美的故事。

Three Years and Eight Months by Icy Smith and Jennifer Kindert (May 15, 2013) 描寫香港日治時期,兩個在日本軍營打工的香港孩子偷藥幫助香港游擊隊的故事。

The Lonely Queue: The Forgotten History Of The Courageous Chinese Americans In Los Angeles by Icy Smith (2000)