2017 防癌抗癌海報競賽 + 南加州華人抗癌接力
除了學業,健康和生命比什麼都重要,特別是家人的身體. . .
如果你家有大一點的小孩的話,可以讓參加他們一年一度的 2017 防癌抗癌海報競賽,所有參加者可獲 10小時的社群服務時間,而前三名/前十名有機會獲優勝獎盃、大會贊助企業贈送之獎品、媒體之採訪、報導及獎狀!

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 2017 防癌超級英雄多媒體競賽



時間: 2017年6月17日10AM – 3PM

地點:Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA


  1. 團隊競赛(3 – 5人) 。學生可自行組隊參赛。(學校亦可選派代表參赛)。
  2. 請至網站www.relayforlife.org/chinesesouthca 下載執名表。
  3. 於4月28日前以電子郵件寄回報名表。


  1. 海报
  2. 诗朗诵,歌曲,舞台/音乐表演 (不超過3分鐘)
  3. 录影 (不超過3分鐘)


  1. 報名後即可開始逕行准备。完成作品於5月19日前寄送给组委会评定,入选的优秀作品将在6月2日前得到通知,并于當日在現場舞台展示接受評審。
  2. 參赛內容中英文均可。
  3. 海報內容不限於報導展示,可加入採訪,調查,研究和統計的成果。

請將完成的作品於5月19日前寄给: Dr. Edward Wu

  • By regular mail: 30161 Sandtrap Drive, Agoura Hills, CA 91301
  • 電子郵件:edwardthwu@yahoo.com with Subject line “ACS Poster Contest"


  1. 主體內容              40%
  2. 整體設計              30%
  3. 創意表現              30%


  1. 所有參赛團隊可获得由美国癌症协会颁发的奖状。
  2. 所有高中參赛者每人均可獲10小時的社群服務時間。
  3. 優勝者可获得美国南加州华人抗癌接力大会提供的奖状与獎品。

美國癌症協會為美國民間主導癌症研究、教育、立法和服務的慈善組織。我們有廣大的民眾支持和深遠的社會影響。我們的努力在人類抗癌工作中已獲得巨大進展。 以下數據可為明証:

  • 全美國有350多萬人參加美國癌症協會每年5000多個抗癌接力大會
  • 美國癌症協會每年募款超過3億美元
  • 美國癌症協會曾獎助47位得諾貝爾獎的科學家研究癌症治療方法


為了提醒全球華人對癌症的警覺和重視,我們將在2017年6月17日(星期六) 晨10時於Arcadia 的Community Center舉辦第八屆南加州華人抗癌接力大會。 歡迎大家參加。

2016 小記者專訪回顧 ~~ What’s SoCal Chinese Relay for Life

Ryan Lin

Do you know what is cancer?  Cancer is a disease in which cells grow and divide with little or out of control.  What is Relay for Life about ?  On April 23, 2016, two Lajaja Kids Junior Journalists – Kyran and I, went to Rely for Life in Monterey Park to find out more about it . I was there to interview Ling Wu, the organizer of this event.  Who emphasizes the Chinese communities lack of cancer prevention education so that’s why this event took place in Chinese community.

“What is the mission for Relay for Life?” Their mission is to fight and prevent cancer.   There was a statement she was talking about was four things that will diminish suffering from cancer. Research, education, advocacy, and service. The research is how they research to cure and make a stop to cancer.  The Education is they teach kids and adults about cancer and what cause cancer. The advocacy is an public opinion about making a change to it. The service is people that are trying to stop cancer and spread the teaching of cancer They have to have a fundraiser to support all of these.

“Is there program for kids to learn about cancer?” Yes there is! There is program for kids and students at our mission discovery to let them know what is cancer. There is a poster contest for high school students. This poster contest is about making kids research and knowing and learning into what is cancer, how to prevent, who survived, or any topics they want. Next year they want all the grades to participate.

“What can kids to help fight cancer?” There are many ways. When a 6th grade’s teacher got cancer, he wanted to help. So, he had a fundraiser and they raised over $9,000. At their mission discovery there is a program which teaches them to eat healthy and stay fit. Eat healthy and exercise will form a good habit for them. They have a team of kids of five people who makes up one team, which there is nine teams total.

I learned that cancer preventions helps kids to have a healthy lifestyle such as eating vegetables and exercise regularly to stay fit at young age. This is such a great event,   I think that there should be more of these types of event to spread the word. I’m ready to be a volunteer next year! HELP STOP CANCER!!!

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Kyran Lin

Relay for life is a life-changing cancer fundraisers events that help communities in many ways. On April 23, 2016 two Lajaja Junior Journalists (Ryan and I) went to the Chinese Relay for Life Fundraiser event.  This event was help Chinese community to get more knowledge about prevention and education for cancer.

There were many  booths to educate people about cancer. Lajaja kids’ photo booth was one of them.  Also, there were many great shows on stage. After a while of exploring, we were called over to do an interview.  I interviewed two volunteers; Ryan Yu( 10 years old) and Caroline Yu(12 years old).

Ryan and Caroline Yu’s hosted a game booth. They designed all the fun games and prepared all the cool prizes. The fee was $2 per person. You need to throw the ping pong ball in the red cup or the different color cups to get the reward, but no reward if the ping pong ball went into the clear cup. The prizes for the different color cups was all different. The biggest prize was Relay for Life t-shirt.

It has surprised me that even young children like Ryan and Caroline could be part of Relay for Life team. Hope one day I can be part of Relay for Life team. I had great time at the event and learned a lot about how to stop cancer!

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