

Laguna Beach 是個風光明媚的寧靜海邊小城,也是個藝術氣息極濃厚的地方,這裡住著許多藝術家和熱愛藝術的人士,而這裡最為人所熟悉的特色活動,就是每年夏季每晚在 Irvine Bowl 上演的 Pageant of the Masters 《大師畫中人》名畫真人秀,這個 “Living Pictures" 將古典和現代藝術作品再創作,與真人一同構成與原版完全一樣的大型作品,加上專業樂團、原創樂譜、現場解說、複雜的舞台設置,精緻的燈光,專業的員工以及數百名忠誠的義工,每年夏天都吸引了萬千目光,也是 Laguna Beach 夏夜的一道美麗風景!

上星期,Pageant of the Masters 特別舉辦媒體參觀日,兩位小記者 Angeline 和 Ingram 一起來到 Laguna Beach 表演場地,率先參觀了今年的開放日和精彩預演,場內有許多藝術家作品在現場展示,包括攝影、陶藝、珠寶、油畫等,隨著主席 David Perry 和 導演 Diane Challis Davy 的歡迎詞和簡單介紹,第一個先出場的是個很特別的演出~~由幾位表演者扮成士兵,重新演繹 1946 年演出的著名二戰照片 Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima 的 Flag Raising Over Irvine Bowl,視覺效果非常強烈,讓人印象深刻。

這個夏日文藝活動自從 1933年開始就一直每年舉行(只有在二次大戰期間中斷過四年)至今已經有 85年歷史。如果說 Pasadena 的新年玫瑰花車遊行是洛杉磯的文化歷史象徵,那麼 Pageant of the Masters 絕對是橙縣的代表者,每年吸引成千上萬的旅客來到 Laguna Beach,是每個南加人都應該參加一次的精彩特色文藝演出!

整個表演加中場休息總共有三小時,一邊聽著音樂一邊欣賞名畫,還有星光蟲鳴和美酒美食相伴,比聽一場音樂會更生動,更引人入勝。難怪 85年來這個表演活動中是人氣不衰,門票往往很早就賣完了!


最後的重頭戲是 《大師畫中人》名畫真人秀的三場預演,在室外圓形劇場內,小記者親眼看到今年演出的其中三幅名畫的優先演出,最後一幕是南加州橘橙農業興盛期的果箱設計圖,顏色亮麗,線條簡單,非常具有代表性,令人印象深刻。

每年 Pageant of The Masters 表演的畫作都不相同,今年的主題是 Under the Sun,兩位小記者已經約好了 7 月 7 日開演後一定要來看秀,不見不散!


Pageant of the Masters at Festival of the Arts

Dates:Jul 7 – Sept 1, 2018

Nightly: 8:30 pm

Location:650 Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 [map]


Website: https://www.foapom.com/



Report from our Junior Journalists

Angeline Nim (age 14)

Ingram Chen (age 11)

The Pageant of Masters has a lot of art, food, and activities to play and do. When you get there, it may not seem like much, but once you see how things are done, it is very magical. While your there, you can have chocolate or (if your 18) wine. All there is so much more to know. Let me tell you about it.

Pageant of the Masters has a lot of paintings. This time, we see how the artists paint the stage background which is as big as an office wall. Surprisingly, artists can finish such a gigantic background painting in two weeks! Let me tell you one of these beautiful background. This background has a slanted floor where the actor has to posed steadily without any movement. How can the actor stand still without falling off? The paintings have a piece of handle mounted on and the actors waist belt can lock securely, then they could stay there without falling off the stage. Some artists paint paintings, others make the props. Some props may look like they are made of metal, but if you look closely or touch it, it’s actually made of foam. They magically turn foam to all kinds of things so they don’t have to buy expensive pieces of metal! They can just shape it and cut it to the right shape.

Have you ever wondered about how the clothes were made? The clothes are still made of your everyday fabric, but the actresses may have to wear wigs or hats. Some of the clothing may not be needed, depending on the theme. This year’s theme is “Under the Sun”. The clothing is not bought, but handmade. Basically everything is handmade by people. The Pageant of the Masters has celebrated its 86th anniversary. The festival shows beautiful paintings. Everywhere has something amazing to see.

We have the honor to see the preview of the show. I personally enjoyed the show because the people would stay still as if they were part of  the real painting. If you have time you should go watch it. Many people hope for this to attract future generations. The place is beautiful. Everywhere you look, you will see beautiful things.

Doria Chen (age 9)

