國際巨星 Leonardo DiCaprio 一直關懷地球生態,早在 23歲拍攝 Titanic 時就成立了同名基金會,致力推廣關注環境保護的議題。
2014 年起,他擔任聯合國氣候變遷和平大使,出席紐約聯合國總部的氣候高峰會議並發表演說,呼籲全球正視氣候危機。
去年,他和導演 Fisher Stevens 聯手製作了一套名為 Before the Flood《洪水來臨前》的紀錄片,為此他前進北極圈、飛到加拿大,跑遍全球,並與各國領袖會面尋求解決方案 . . .
Leonardo 表示:「我們現在就需要立即改變。也必須做出能集結環保共識的決定,受到大家一致的警覺心激發後,人類才能持續進化。」
Before the Flood 記錄片將於10月30日星期天晚上 9 點在國家地理頻道首播,並在全球171個國家以45個語言同步播出。為了讓更多人看到這部片,國家地理頻道將開放頻道一個星期讓大家免費收看。
同時,在跨平台收視上,本片將於國家地理頻道的 Facebook 及 YouTube 頻道、hulu、Google Play、iTune、amazon、twitter 無廣告免費播放,讓所有人可以免費觀看,一起關切氣候變遷的重要議題!

THE BAHAMAS- Leonardo diving with Jeremy Jackson discussing the oceans.
For two years, Leonardo DiCaprio has criss-crossed the planet in his role as UN messenger of Peace on Climate Change. This film, executive produced by Brett Ratner and Martin Scorsese, follows that journey to find both the crisis points and the solutions to this existential threat to human species.
© 2016 RatPac Documentary Films, LLC and Greenhour Corporation, Inc.
All rights reserved.

INDONESIA- Leonardo with Orangutans in the Leuser Ecosystem.
For two years, Leonardo DiCaprio has criss-crossed the planet in his role as UN messenger of Peace on Climate Change. This film, executive produced by Brett Ratner and Martin Scorsese, follows that journey to find both the crisis points and the solutions to this existential threat to human species.
© 2016 RatPac Documentary Films, LLC and Greenhour Corporation, Inc.
All rights reserved.