Why You Should Attend Anthony Lam’s Eagle Scout Project


Eagle Scout 中文是「鷹級童軍」,是美國童軍中最高的成就。自 100多年前成立以來,只有 4% 的美國童軍能達到這個等級,其中要取得至少 21個 功績章,並展現出高度規律、服務與領導等基本態度的童軍精神,審核過程非常漫長,也是童軍中的最高榮譽。

居住於 Walnut 市的 17 歲少年童軍 Anthony Lam 林致遠,就將他的人生成長經歷演化成他的 Eagle Scout Project。原來 Anthony 從小被診斷為自閉症,但是在他不屈不撓的學習精神,以及家人的鼓勵和支持下,Anthony 如今不但是才華出眾的二胡國樂青年演奏家,更是粵劇演員和詠春好手呢!如今 Anthony 向他的童軍最高等級進發,組織了一場結合專家演講和精彩表演的文化活動,讓社區增進對自閉症的認知,並認識更多像 Anthony 一樣,克服自閉,邁向光明前程的青少年!


Anthony Lam 的自序:

I was diagnosed with autism when I was about 4 years old. However, over the past 13 years, I was able to overcome my condition through the help and support of the Regional Center, the schools I have attended, my church, my Boy Scout Troop, Perfect Harmony Cultural Exchange Association, String and Bamboo Music, and, most importantly, my family and friends. Because of the positive circumstances and opportunities I grew up with, I want to use myself as an example not only to stress the importance of early intervention, but also to encourage the families of children with special needs to never give up. Thus, it is not only the goal of my event, but also one of my passions and goals in life, to raise awareness for autism so that our society will come to understand more about autism and eventually accept people with the condition, which will result in a more fair and peaceful environment for anybody to grow up in.


專家演講:Carolina Perez 教授講解有關自閉症的成因、辨識、介入方法

》自閉症患者樂手 Almond Chan 展現不受病患局限的天賦音樂才華
》藝程文化交流協會十多位 5 至 15歲兒童演出精彩傳統粵劇折子戲

日期:5月 11日星期六

時間:下午 2:00 ~ 4:00 pm

地點:Performing Arts Center of Baldwin Park, 4640 Maine Ave., Baldwin Park, CA 91706 [map]

門票:免費入場,請聯絡 626-233-9298 or 909-678-5935 索取免費門票,或直接到活動網站登記留票:


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