Ticket Giveaway: Win Tickets to See Beautiful Lanterns at Chinese Lantern Festival at Pomona


秋意正濃~~中國彩燈節 11月 Pomona 亮麗登場!

下週末(11月15日)開始,一千多個造型栩栩如生的手工中式造型彩燈,每個彩燈都是將點亮洛城 Pomona 的夜晚,活動現場還有精彩的功夫表演、皮影戲、傳統手工藝如拉糖、剪紙、捏麵人、刺繡、中式美食,還有由三千多個廚具推砌而成的四座現代陶瓷大象,造型非常吸睛,絕對是秋日夜晚打卡拍照的好去處!

這裡的所有彩燈都出自中國自貢的彩燈大師之手。自古以來中國自貢的燈會都非常有名,如今,自貢的彩燈藝人將傳統彩燈技藝與現代工藝結合,所有彩燈都由鋼架框製成,再以人造絲包成「皮膚」,裡面由 LED 燈照亮,再以裝滿各種彩色液體的小瓶子組成類似馬賽克一般的藝術圖形。讓人耳目一新,好像置身夢境一般。

Dragon Dinosaurs

Lizard Flamingo

Tiger image002

** 活動已結束,謝謝大家參與和支持!**

得獎者名單:Ren Kimchi, Angela Lu, Julia Chang

【丫丫有禮】請你一家到 Pomona 參觀中國彩燈節璀璨燈色

我們將會送出 3 套門票給 3 個幸運家庭(每個得獎家庭可以獲得4張門票),還在等什麼?千萬不要錯過這次的送票活動!

即日起至 11 月 13日止,趕快到 ㄚㄚ園地的 Facebook 專頁參加活動喔!活動詳情如下:


1. 到丫丫園地 Facebook 專頁 按下 “ LIKE ”

2. 在介紹此丫丫有禮活動 post 按下 “ LIKE ” , 並留言『Chinese Lantern』就可以了!



** 我們將於 11月13日晚隨機抽出一位得獎者,並在丫丫園地網頁公佈,獲得通知的參加者請在 11月 14日內電郵我們以確認獲獎。被確認的得獎者可在活動當天於演出場地售票處領取門票。

image004Chinese Lantern Festival

Evening skies will be ablaze with color and light at the Glade, Picnic Hill and Lagoon of  Fairplex, California. Experience an incredible, authentic and amazing larger than life handcrafted lanterns, live entertainment and food. Enjoy elements of culture such as Chinese folk artists demonstrating their ancient crafts, all with the ambiance to reconnect with nature and to create lifelong memories with friends and family. A fully immersive multicultural experience that you will love to enjoy and make new memories. If you’re looking for a unique place to snap a few stunning Instagram worthy photos, then this is the place.

Over 1000 Handcrafted Lanterns, covering of Glades, Picnic Hill, and Lagoon

Live Kung Fu / Chinese Martial Arts Performances

Free Kung Fu coaching on stage with the performers!

Dinosaur Rides for children and play area

Variety of Asian Cuisines

Dates: November 15th – January 6, 2019 (Open Thursday Through Sundays, and Holidays) \

Time: 5:30 p.m – 10:00 p.m. (Last admission at 9:20 p.m.)

Location: Pomona Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley Ave., Pomona, CA 91768

Tickets: $13-$21

Website/Ticketing: www.ChineseLanternFestival.com

This Year’s Theme – “The Wild” 

Let the wonders of illuminated animals guide you through the Lantern Festival. As you visit each location, the animals change and transport guests to experience from throughout the world.

Witness cheetahs, jumping koi fish, majestic cranes and travel back in time with our dinosaurs. Travel the globe by walking through America, Oceania, Asia, Antarctica, and Africa.

From modest origins of paper and silk, the Chinese lantern has evolved into wondrous shapes and sizes — turquoise and aqua-marine giant jellyfish, brilliant straw-colored and black-spotted cheetahs, glowing orange and green praying mantis, and ladybugs the size of small children.

Take home your uniquely hand-crafted keepsake from the mainland Chinese artisan area – wonderful holiday presents!