直擊超級網紅明星 Ryan Higa 新書簽名見面會


超級 Youtuber 網紅明星 Ryan Higa 出書了,他的新書簽名見面會選在 LA 首發,當晚人潮湧湧,幾乎擠破了書店大門,Ryan 以幽默搞笑的嘴砲聞名,但他小時候備受同輩欺凌,他也將也這個經驗和大家分享,我們在現場看到長達數百人的長龍,裡面就有不少亞裔小朋友粉絲的面孔。Ryan 的新書叫 How to Write Good,大家也來捧場吧~~!

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1990 年 Hawaii 出生的 Ryan Higa 在 YouTube 建立一個極受歡迎的個人頻道,有的影片是獨自演出,有的與吳凱文或其他好友合作,總瀏覽量高達 30億次。截止2017年3月底,他的頻道訂閱者達 1900萬人,佔據 YouTube 個人頻道被訂閱量排行的第六位。

Ryan 通常每一星期上傳一部影片,他對於自己影片品質要求極高,演戲唱歌武打樣樣來。Ryan 的最新視頻的主題是。。。最夯玩具 fidget spinner,一起來看看他怎麼說:





by Jaslyne Tam

When looking for Asian Youtubers, there are only a few, such as Wassabi Productions, Wong Fu Productions, and Guava Juice. But, Ryan Higa is a special one. He started Youtube way back in 2006, when Youtube was just getting started. Now, according to higatv.com, Ryan Higa is now the #20 most subscribed creator on YouTube. Ryan is known for his channels, Nigahiga and HigaTV where he creates “comedic video vlogs and short films, which average approximately 10.6 million views per video.” (higatv.com) Also, Ryan Higa just recently wrote a book. It is called, How to Write Good. It is a book about how to write a good book, as well as a memoir of his life, complete with pictures. The heartfelt story will make your eyes tear up as the known to be comedic man writes about his childhood.

Ryan Higa is currently doing a book tour, and on May 30th I went to the Los Angeles Grove to meet him. We went to Barnes and Noble and paid for our books and wristband. After waiting for about 1 hour and a half, we finally were led to the area where we would meet him. We got up to take a picture for about 5 seconds. Then we proceeded to pick up our pre-signed copy of the book. Afterwards, we heard that there were 600 people at the Los Angeles book tour! That is a lot of people. It felt amazing being able to meet such an influential and famous Youtuber and it was an enjoyable experience that I definitely am glad that I went to.



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