巨星名廚匯洛城之《小名廚訓練班》All Star Chef Classic Little Masters


chef洛杉磯名廚輩出,所以一直在全國美食界佔有舉足經重的角色。一年一度的《巨星名廚匯聚洛城》All Star Chef Classic 美食活動,廣邀十多位洛城名廚齊聚一堂,在特別搭建的 Kitchen Stadium 《廚房大賽場》舉行各類美食活動和廚藝表演,聽著就讓人食指大動!

高級美食也不再是大人的天下,3月11日,廚房大賽場將變身成為美食訓練營,主辦單位特地為愛吃愛煮的小朋友舉行一個名為 Little Masters 的小廚師廚藝班。想像一下,200 位小朋友穿著廚師制服,在名廚帶領下一起學做美食,場面的確十分浩大。小廚師除了學到精湛廚藝外,大家都可以獲得 Le Creuset 送出的兒童烹飪工具,更有難忘的美好回憶帶回家!



時間:Two sessions: 10am & 12:30pm

地點:L.A. LIVE, West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA [map]

門票:1 CHILD + 1 ADULT – $125


On March 11, Restaurant Stadium turns from kitchen to classroom as 200 kids learn to cook alongside stars and chefs. With a guided, hands-on cooking lesson from seasoned chef, Little Masters will help foster the next generation of All-Star Chefs. This will be without a doubt one of the largest hands-on cooking classes in the nation. Each kid will be able to take home new skills to encourage cooking, their very own Le Creuset kids’ cooking kit and fun stories and memories to last a lifetime!

