Skyspace LA《天空之城》觀景台開幕大派對~~ 6月25日



座落在全美西岸最高建築物 U S Bank 大廈的 Skyspace LA 即將在6月25日隆重開幕,它將是加州最高的露天觀景台,較市區海拔高305米,在這裡你可以坐擁令人驚嘆的美麗景色,和欣賞 360°的洛杉磯全景。

當然,單純看風景在今時今日是遠遠不夠的,而 Skyspace LA 的最大吸引力就在那位於70樓的戶外玻璃滑梯,足足45呎長的透明玻璃滑梯讓你從70樓直接滑到四層樓以下的66樓,過程只是幾秒鐘,可是驚險刺激度絕對爆表,你敢不敢試?

丫丫提示:玩 SkySlide 玻璃滑梯要另外買票,或者預購套票也可以有優惠。

6月25日開幕當天,Skyspace LA 將舉行盛大慶典,免費招待大眾參觀,downtown 區第四街將會封閉交通,搭建起大型派對帳篷,提供各種音樂演出、美食餐車、娛樂遊戲,當然還會有名人亮相,讓大家一起開心玩一個大大的 block party!

Date: Saturday, June 25thsky9

Time: 10 AM – 11 PM

Location: Skyspace Los Angeles, around the US Bank Tower on S. Hope Street between Hope Place and 3rd Street

丫丫提示:在上樓途中,記得一定要參觀位於 54樓的互動展廳,體驗高科技的洛城數碼地形牆為你展示有關洛杉磯的城市、地標和多處景點的互動資訊。

位於洛杉磯 downtown U S Bank 大廈樓高72層,高度為1018呎,是美國西岸最高的建築物,而樓頂的直升機坪也是全球第二最高的(僅次於台北101大樓的停機坪)。





On Saturday, June 25, Skyspace LA will open its doors for its highly anticipated official public opening. Visitors will be guided through a multi-dimensional experience featuring unobstructed, 360-degree views of Los Angeles.

To celebrate, Skyspace LA is inviting guests of all ages to join in celebrating this exciting milestone with a FREE all-day block party, on June 25th. The festivities are open for all to enjoy and purchasing a ticket to visit Skyspace LA is not required.

The Grand Opening Block Party will feature an array of entertainment and activities including live performances special guests, a variety of food trucks, a Community Tent area, specialty beer garden for guests 21+ and much more.

The festivities will take place around the US Bank Tower on S. Hope Street between Hope Place and 3rd Street. During the event, 4th Street will remain closed, while 3rd Street, Flower and Grand will remain open and operational.

Skyspace LA is California’s tallest open-air observation deck and the premiere destination for panoramic, 360-degree views of Los Angeles. At its height, Los Angeles’ residents and visitors are offered a transformative view of its culture, community and people. Visitors to Skyspace LA are guided through a multi-dimensional, interactive experience, featuring unobstructed views, dynamic design and surprise thrills.

If you’d like to visit the attraction starting June 26th, you can buy tickets for OUE Skyspace LA online at

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