【CASTING CALL】大型電視廣告招募華裔男生
【CASTING CALL】大型電視廣告招募對騎BMX有經驗的華裔男性

廣 告 試 鏡 邀 請
大型電視廣告招募騎 BMX華裔男生

拍攝期間,每日皆可賺取 $671.70 演員工會日薪 + Buyout Fee
要求:貌似 20-30 歲華裔男性,需要對騎 BMX 單車有經驗
~ 不要錯過這個難得的機會,我們誠邀您立即參加特別招募 ~
Shoot bet 3/14 – 3/21 one day shooting plus wardrobe fitting
- 將你的近照(手機照亦可,size 不可超過3MB)、全名、騎BMX的經驗、一條騎BMX的影片以及聯絡電話電郵至:yumitakada@mac.com & talent@lajajakids.com
- 我們將以電郵與你預約試鏡時間和地點
Chinese looking Male BMX Rider is wanted for TV spot.
Male, who can play 20-30 yrs old age range, Advanced level BMX rider.
Screen Actor’s Guild project
Pays under SAG agreement
Day rate: about $671.70 / day plus buyout fee
Shoot bet 3/14 – 3/21 one day shooting plus wardrobe fitting
Please send a picture with full name, experience of BMX riding, the video link of BMX riding performances, cell# and
E-mail address to;
yumitakada@mac.com & talent@lajajakids.com
Audition will be Friday and Sunday.
Disclaimer: La JaJa Kids is not affiliated with the production team. Our job in this project is to post and announce this casting notice,we are not responsible for the result of the audition or production project.