與 Sotomayor 聯邦大法官面對面~~童書發表會

Sonia Maria Sotomayor 是美國聯邦最高法院大法官。也是美國聯邦最高法院第一位拉丁裔法官和第三位女性法官。而最近 Sotomayor 大法官竟在百忙中出版了一本兒童圖書 Just Ask! ,主題是「敢於不同、敢於做自己」,由獲獎藝術家 Rafael López 設計。

這是一本關於了解人們之間的差異,並讚揚善良與關懷的童書,就像不同類型的植物和花卉使花園更美麗和愉快,不同類型的人使我們的世界更加充滿活力和美妙。Sotomayor 利用自己為例,她作為一名被診斷患有糖尿病兒童的童年經歷,闡述了關於兒童所面對的各種挑戰,並鼓勵小朋友遇到困難時要敢於發問。

在 9月 5日,你可以與孩子一同來到她親自出席的童書發表會,除了簽書外,更可以向她提問,並與她交流,深入認識這位司法界重量級人物,是對小朋友的極好啟發。

Join U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a moderated conversation with award-winning artist Rafael López, followed by an audience Q & A and signing line. Please see event guidelines below.

In the new picture book “Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You", Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and award-winning artist Rafael López create a kind and caring book about the differences that make each of us unique. Feeling different, especially as a kid, can be tough. But in the same way that different types of plants and flowers make a garden more beautiful and enjoyable, different types of people make our world more vibrant and wonderful. Sonia Sotomayor celebrates the different abilities kids (and people of all ages) have. Using her own experience as a child who was diagnosed with diabetes, Sotomayor writes about children with all sorts of challenges–and looks at the special powers those kids have as well. As the kids work together to build a community garden, asking questions of each other along the way, this book encourages readers to do the same: When we come across someone who is different from us but we’re not sure why, all we have to do is Just Ask.

Date/Time: Thursday, September 5, 7:00 p.m. (doors open 6:00 p.m.)

Location: Barnum Hall Theatre, Santa Monica High School, 600 Olympic Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90405

Tickets: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4309231?fbclid=IwAR3UMxBr5QbncxtAlhM4NLIRZhSxFUFL07zQRLFTLAp14RJliIq7TFhWsVo

Image result for Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You,

Event Guidelines:

1. Signing Line: A copy of “Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You" or “¡Solo pregunta!: Sé Diferente, Sé Valiente, Sé Tú", the Spanish edition, will be required to enter the signing line. In addition to signing these new books (required to enter the signing line), Justice Sotomayor will also sign copies of her other books: “My Beloved World", “Turning Pages", and “The Beloved World of Sonia Sotomayor". All of The English and Spanish editions of the above titles will be available for purchase at the event. To ensure we get through everyone in the signing line, there will be no personalizations and no photos with attendees.

2. Q & A Question Submissions Due August 15th: We ask that audience members submit their questions via email (cbwchildrensbooks@gmail.com) or in person at Childrens Book World by August 15th.

3. To avoid distracting others during the conversation/Q&A portion of the event, no use of recording or electronic devices will be allowed.

My Beloved World