Cool Math LA 幼兒數學能力預備班 for K-1


小朋友的數學和理性思維非常重要,為日後的 STEM 學習打下重要基礎,資深數學老師 Ms. Wong 在 2016 年推出 Cool Math 數學解題和奧數競賽班,讓許多小學和初中學生在數學能力上獲得很大的提升,2018年開始了,Cool Math 更會推出幼兒數學能力預備班,以遊戲形式,為 K-一年級兒童及早培養數字觀念、邏輯思維、解決問題等重要數學能力,並加入數學比賽概念,為日後培養數學頭腦做好充分準備!

第一課將在這個星期天下午在 Temple City 開班,有興趣的家長一定不要錯過喔!

Since 2016, Cool Math LA by Ms. Wong had been hosting special math problem solving classes in Temple City and Torrance with huge success, finally in 2018, a class that all moms with younger kids having been waiting for is coming to reality ~~ Cool Math LA will be offering special math classes for Kinder to 1st grade students.


Creative Problem Solving and Math Competition Class for K-1


Class Dates: 1/7 to 3/18 (10 Sundays, except 2/18

Time: 3:00 – 4:00 pm

Location: Live Oak Park Community Center, 10144 Bogue Street, Temple City [map]

Class details: 

  • Focus is on number sense, breaking down of numbers, patterns, sequences, and addition and subtraction.
  • Class will be held in Mommy (or daddy) and me style. 
  • Lots of activities and games
  • Parents are expected to continue playing/practicing with your child at home
  • There will also be exposure to problem solving and math contests as child continues to grow and prosper

Tuition: $250 + $30 materials


Register: click here

About Cool Math and Teacher