星戰日(Star Wars Day 或 May the Fourth Day) 是一個非官方的星球大戰紀念日 , 每年 5月4日由全球的星戰粉絲們一同慶祝。這個紀念日的概念來自於星球大戰電影中的一句經典台詞「願原力與你同在」(May the Force be with you), 取其諧音,就變成 “於五月四日與你同在” (May the fourth be with you) , 所以五月四日就成為原力和星戰的紀念日。
每年星戰日(Star Wars Day 或 May the Fourth Day)都是全球星戰粉絲們一同慶祝的重要日子。去年這天,連國際太空站裡的太空人都在看星球大戰來慶祝!所以,如果你家裡有不止一個超級星戰迷(不少爸爸也是從小看星戰成長的超級粉絲)這一天當然要好好過!這裡有 10個最佳慶祝好主意,讓你一家一起過個超級酷的星戰原力日!(記得把照片分享給丫丫小編喔!)
網址 : http://www.starwars.com/may-the-4th
加入星戰原力日臉書粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/Star-Wars-Day-May-the-4th-be-with-you-289878049337/
位於 Torrance 的 Art Experience Studio 將舉辦以星戰為主題的兒童繪畫派對,讓小朋友一起學畫最新最紅的機器人 BB-8,展示給朋友和同學看!
(5/7, Saturday, 7-9 pm) 3537 Torrance Blvd #26, Torrance, CA 90503, (310) 365-9287
But do you start with the prequels or the original trilogy? Do you mix in some episodes of The Clone Wars? Better decide before your guests arrive, or you may spend the day in a heated debate.
Wearing anything from your favorite Star Wars shirt to full-on Stormtrooper gear is completely acceptable. (It’s okay to dress up your pet, too. Bounty hunter bulldogs are especially encouraged.)
Food is an essential part of any holiday. Star Wars Cake or Bar2D2s, anyone?
Here is a cool recipe:
Toast the saga with the ultimate Star Wars-themed beverage: blue milk
Just like Aunt Beru used to make! (Fortunately, unlike Aunt Beru, you don’t own the droids the Empire is looking for.)
Feel the Force with Star Wars crafts
Turn old socks and rocks into awesomeStar Wars keepsakes! Learn how to make a Hoth Snow Globe
Have you Vadered anyone yet?
Now’s the time to give it a try…and be sure to tweet your photo to @starwars using the hashtag #Vadering!
Why not go to Disneyland and ride Star Tours? There are over 50 mission possibilities…so don’t plan on eating lunch beforehand.
As Yoda said, “Pass on what you have learned.”
Introduce a younger sibling, family member, or friend to Star Wars!