綽號「數學魔術師」的 Dr Arthur Benjamin 是一位數學家、Harvey Mudd College 教授,著作等身的作家,他更是世界上速度最快的閃電計算器!他能以心算進行多位數加減乘除,速度比計算機還要快、記住圓周率100位數、推算歷史上任何日期 . . .
這位數學魔術師經常巡迴演講,除了介紹他的作品,更展示他的驚人的數學運算能力,連紐約時報、洛杉磯時報、Today Show、NPR 國家公立電台等媒體都訪問過他,而著名的 TED 講座論壇更多次邀請他出席演講。上星期,Dr Arthur Benjamin 親自來到亞凱迪亞圖書館,為社區的小朋友展示他的數學魔術,當晚座無虛席,大家都被他的演出驚呆了。
小記者 Aaron, Age 9
My evening with Dr. Benjamin was really awesome. Jaslyne, Sharonlen and I saw Dr. Benjamin perform math magic at the Arcadia Library on September 8th. We then got to interview him at the end. It was an event sponsored by the Friends of Arcadia Library. The library set aside some money they earned from their bookstore and donations to host the event. Dr. Benjamin is a math magician and he is very friendly. He is a math professor at Harvey Mudd College and is also a magician at the Magic Castle. He is SUPER duper good at math. . . READ FULL ARTICLE >>
小記者 Sharonlen, Age 8
I am so excited when I know that I will have a chance to be junior journalist for La Jaja kids and my first mission is to interview Dr. Authur Benjamin—the world famous Mathemagician. I heard about him since I was 4 years old, but I had never seen him in a person before. This is a great opportunity for me to see him in person. Since it is my first time, I feel so nervous I don’t know how to prepare and what should I do. So I start . . . READ FULL ARTICLE >>
Dr. Benjamin 最新推出的新書:The Magic of Math,9月8日才面世, 我們當然要拿到他的親筆簽名!
“He talks like a performer,
acts like a magician,
and multiplies faster than a calculator.”
— Los Angeles Times.
About Dr. Arthur Benjamin
Dr. Arthur Benjamin makes numbers dance. He is a Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California and a professional magician. In this entertaining and fast-paced performance, Dr. Benjamin demonstrates how to mentally add and multiply numbers faster than a calculator, how to figure out the day of the week of any date in history, and other amazing feats of mind.
A Mathematician and a professor of math, Arthur Benjamin will amaze and entertain as he demonstrates (and explains) his fast-paced feats of mind: how to mentally add and multiply numbers faster than a calculator, memorize 100 digits of pi, figure of the date of the week of any date in history and more…
Dr. Arthur Benjamin makes numbers dance. He is a Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California and a professional magician. In this entertaining and fast-paced performance, Dr. Benjamin demonstrates how to mentally add and multiply numbers faster than a calculator, how to figure out the day of the week of any date in history, and other amazing feats of mind.
A Mathematician and a professor of math, Arthur Benjamin will amaze and entertain as he demonstrates (and explains) his fast-paced feats of mind: how to mentally add and multiply numbers faster than a calculator, memorize 100 digits of pi, figure of the date of the week of any date in history and more…
He is the winner of the national teaching award from the Mathematical Association of America, and was listed by Princeton Review as one America’s Top 300 professors. His Ted talk has been viewed more than 2 million times.
Dr. Benjamin has performed his mixture of math and magic for audiences all over the world. He’s appeared on the TED Talk, Colbert Report, Today Show, and National Public Radio, and been profiled in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, as well as Scientific American, Discover, Esquire, People, and Wired magazines.
Dr. Benjamin’s new book “The Magic of Math: Solving for x and Figuring Out Why" has published on 9/8/2015.
Dr. Benjamin’s other publications (books and DVDs):
- Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician’s Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks (book)
- The Fascinating World of Graph Theory (book)
- Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying (book)
- The Art of Mental Calculation: addition & subtraction (book)
- Proofs that Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof (book)
- Teach Your Child Math : Making Math Fun for the Both of You (book)
- The Joy of Math (DVD)
- The Secrets of Mental Math (DVD)