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Vivian Chan  



每一位家長都希望自己的孩子能夠成社會上的有用之才, 也希望他們能夠對他們的人生充滿希望與喜愛。我們希望能夠讓孩子過得快樂! 目前科學已證明, 培養一個有博愛之心的孩子是奠定他們成功的基礎。


名言道:施者有福。在醫學上很多的例子亦證明, 病人如果提供服務給同病相連的病友, 他的生活品質會提升而痛苦因而減輕。科學域裡也揭晓, “服務者的明燈在控制腦神經的測驗中指出人如果能捐贈無數的金錢給慈善或研究機構, 他們的腦波快感和擁有實際財富快感是一樣的。



從小有募捐或義務勞動習慣的孩子, 他們能够立刻了解有很多人的際遇有他們好, 因此他們會養成對身邊生活環境一種强烈的歸属感。在孩子十幾嵗的候不會自私,更不會懷孕,吸毒及酗酒。成績一定很優越并成一個心智健康的好國民

家庭富裕的孩子面對挑戰,百分之65的家庭認產對孩子是弊多於利; 百分之70的家庭富裕不過三代。兩個基本的原因:第一是未孩子奠定對遺產的規劃能力。第二則是孩子對操作不是自己賺來的錢感到有罪惡感。有博愛心的孩子便能克服多方面的困難, 更能了解到金錢的支配, 能有授權給自己的能力和有信心改變整個世界的决心。



1. 及早開始:
孩子在45歲便能感受到家庭的價值觀。從小就讓他們選擇礼物給親友, 設想礼物的適合程度, 而非自己愛好。選擇閱讀有同理心的故事領他們分享自己的感受,等成長之後,他們自然會參與社會上更重要的募捐及募款活動。

行動的作用比强千倍, 孩子從小看到父母捐贈禮物, 禮金及路人義務勞動。更是當父母在財團法人的機關服務時, 帶領孩子實際參與。不等多時, 您的孩子會主動參與救災活動。

在非常忙碌的生活中, 父母常常會暗地裡做了好事而孩子有察覺到, 但是讓孩子們參與過程是必要的。讓孩子實際驗無私的精神,比省事强得多。


無論孩子選擇任何的慈善機構, 要有持續性。久之養成習慣, 如果有一天你忘了,他們會提醒你的。








Vivan Chan's Profile ~





Vivian Chan and her husband Stephen have four children, two boys and two girls age range from 13 to 26 years old.



Vivian has been very active in the San Marino school community, served as the president of the San Marino PTA Council for two terms, VP for the First District PTA, trustee to the San Mario School Foundation, chairperson for the San Marino City Recreation Commission for 3 terms, Director of Chinese Club of San Marino and chair for the 2008 Mid Autumn Festival, and board member to many youth related organizations such as the girl and boy scouts, 9-1-1 For Kids emergency preparedness program, Kathy Ireland’s Christmas Gala for Children, For the Love of Children Benefit Concert featuring the Backstreet Boys, VP of National Charity League, VP of Education (7 terms) of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra which oversee the music programs that served 4,500 students in the Pasadena Unified School District, team mom for soccer and little league for years.



An energetic and involved member of the community, who along with her many hours in volunteer work, currently acts as chairperson for the fund development for Athletes & Entertainers for Kids that served the under-privilege children in the greater LA area, Founding board member and VP of the United Charity Foundation, the First District PTA Chairperson for Asian Outreach in the San Gabriel Valley Area, First VP of San Marino PTA Council, A Rotarian of San Marino Rotary Club, member of the Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation (a passed director), Chinese Art Council for the Pacific Asia Museumand co-chair the Verdant Mist Committee for The Chinese Garden at The Huntington Library. In her spare time, Vivian enjoys writing the column “Whiz Kids of the Week” for San Marino Patch, traveling with her family and gourmet dining with friends.





備註: 本刊請來多位專科醫師﹑ 學者﹑ 資深兒童教師等組成顧問團, 義務提供專業意見; 內容只供參考, 以上本刊及顧問團成員將不會為內容負上法律責任。