
As our children will be starting the second semester of the school year, it's important to get them back in the mode and organized. If their backpacks are overflowing, their work spaces are piled high and their homework gets left behind most mornings, your child may need an organizational overhaul. The following tips are designed for parents to help get things back on track, no matter what your child's age.


整理思緒及生活細節  Organize the Desk


Replenish school supplies so that glue sticks, sharpened pencils, printer ink and paper are all close at hand. Look closely at your child's study space. Make sure it is well-lit and there are plenty of places to store old work and keep new work visible. This applies to your child's computer desktop too, if she does most of her assignments on her laptop. Take the time to help her move old files and de-clutter. This is a good time to assess whether your child needs a bulletin board to keep assignments in her sight line, or a new system of folders to keep track of homework. 

In addition, if her assignment book is not being used daily, try a new calendar or assignment book that is better-suited to this year's tasks. A trip together to the office supply store over break may result in much-improved systems.


改善處理功課的方法 A Better Way to Handle Homework 


This year's homework may be very different from last year's. There may be more of it, a class that is more challenging than expected, or a teacher who likes to give a unique style of assignment. Take the time to re-evaluate your child's homework routine and create more time if she needs it, by reducing other activities. 

Students who feel like they are rushing often turn in careless work with many errors. Reduce these by slowing down and creating more time after school and on weekends. In addition, set time for breaks. If homework is more abundant this year, you child may need more frequent breaks, which oftentimes increases productivity. 

Remove distractions like TV and computer so that your child can focus more effectively. If you see that a teacher offers extra credit opportunities, take advantage of these second semester by posting reminders on your child's bulletin board or work space. Sometimes, even older students need help with homework instructions. If this has been a struggle for your child this year, take the time to sit with her and read directions before she tackles her daily assignments.


設定目標  Setting Goals 


The New Year is a great time to sit down with your child and update academic goals, now that she is settled in and familiar with this year's expectations. By now your child knows her teachers well and the level of rigor of her classes. Examples of second semester goals may be "complete math homework before dinner" or "write in assignment book everyday".



1. Getting Organized

Explain that this step is all about getting ready. It's about figuring out what kids need to do and gathering any necessary items. For instance: "So you have a book report to write. What do you need to do to get started?" Help your child make a list of things like: Choose a book. Make sure the book is OK with the teacher. Write down the book and the author's name. Check the book out of the library. Mark the due date on a calendar.

Then help your child think of the supplies needed: The book, some note cards, a pen for taking notes, the teacher's list of questions to answer, and a report cover. Have your child gather the supplies where the work will take place.

As the project progresses, show your child how to use the list to check off what's already done and get ready for what's next. Demonstrate how to add to the list, too. Coach your child to think, "OK, I did these things. Now, what's next? Oh yeah, start reading the book" and to add things to the list like finish the book, read over my teacher's directions, start writing the report.

2. Staying Focused

Explain that this part is about doing it and sticking with the job. Tell kids this means doing what you're supposed to do, following what's on the list, and sticking with it.

It also means focusing when there's something else your child would rather be doing — the hardest part of all! Help kids learn how to handle and resist these inevitable temptations. While working on the report, a competing idea might pop into your child's head: "I feel like shooting some hoops now." Teach kids to challenge that impulse by asking themselves "Is that what I'm supposed to be doing?"

Explain that a tiny break to stretch a little and then get right back to the task at hand is OK. Then kids can make a plan to shoot hoops after the work is done. Let them know that staying focused is tough sometimes, but it gets easier with practice.

3. Getting it Done

Explain that this is the part when kids will be finishing up the job. Talk about things like copying work neatly and asking a parent to read it over to help find any mistakes.

Coach your child to take those important final steps: putting his or her name on the report, placing it in a report cover, putting the report in the correct school folder, and putting the folder in the backpack so it's ready to be turned in.