今年入讀小學四年級的孩子真幸福!今年白宮提出一個名叫 Every Kid in a Park 方案,提供小四生或10孩子全美國家公園免費年票($80),鼓勵大家多帶孩子接觸大自然,並在探索大自然的過程中深入認識美國的歷史、文化和科學成就。


Every Kid in a Park 方案是由美國國家公園管理局、林務局、教育廳、工程兵部隊、土地管理局、魚類和野生動物局、農墾局,和國家海洋和大氣管理局等機構共同合作所創立的。


Did you know that you own millions of acres of national parks, historic structures, cultural artifacts, ancient forests, snow-capped mountains, and clear blue lakes? Our public lands and waters belong to all Americans and are waiting for you to explore them!

To help engage and create our next generation of park visitors, supporters and advocates, we are kicking off the Every Kid in a Park initiative. The immediate goal is to provide an opportunity for each and every 4th grade student across the country to experience their public lands and waters in person throughout the 2015-2016 school year.

Beginning September 1st you will have access to your own Every Kid in a Park pass. This pass will give you free access to national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges, and more!


The Every Kid in a Park pass will be available starting September 1st, 2015 and will be good for the 2015-2016 school year until August 31, 2016. More information will be available beginning in September.

登記網址:www.EveryKidInAPark.gov (注意: 91日開始運作)

基本資訊網:www.nationalparks.org/ook/every-kid-in-a-park (不能登記)

