讓孩子從小學鋼琴是大部分父母的心願,但是什麼時候學琴?跟怎樣的老師學琴才適合?該不該買琴?如何讓孩子主動練琴?這些疑問總是困擾著每位家長 . . . 丫丫園地很高興認識了一位既有才華,又有教學熱誠的鋼琴老師~ Ms. Wendy,我們更參與了Wendy老師專門為父母設計的 Piano Mom 鋼琴媽媽課程,學習如何啟發和提升小朋友對學鋼琴的興趣,讓我們大開眼界,想知道這個課程為什麼短短一年內吸引這麼多家長參加?請留意下期詳細報導!

今期先為大家推介 Wendy老師即將舉辦的兩個免費教學活動,一個是 Piano Mom 課程的免費示範,另一個是鋼琴陳列室實地考察,幫大家解決學琴和買琴的煩惱。


a Special Invitation for Dads/Moms/Adults 

Effective Parental Support in Piano Learning




This is a fun and practical course designed uniquely for adults/moms/dads to secure the fundamental of piano reading skills and basic piano functioning skills.

~Piano Mom's Mission~

Piano lessons can be costly and ineffective at the early age of learning. Piano mom is here to empower parents to become your child’s best helper and fun supporter for the journey. It is a cost effective, informative, yet comprehensive courses, which design exclusively for parents with pedagogical strategies and interactive methods to assist home practice for a better and confident performance at the piano lessons. In result, the positive relationships and memorable moments will be created thru the musical journey for you and your child.


Fingering / Posture / Etiquette 姿勢 / 指法 / 禮儀

Keyboard and Staff Reading/Clefs Usage 閱讀音符: 鋼琴鍵盤/五線譜

Complete Rhythmic Division 節奏: 音樂的數學

Practice Skills 練琴技巧


Other Related Topics 鋼琴爸媽主題討論 (選擇合適的老師 / 時間管理 / 學習動力等等… )

Date: September 20th,2015 (Sunday)

Time: 4:30-6:00pm

Fee: Free Demo with Gift

Location: Eutonic School of Music, 25411 Trabuco Rd., Suite 221, Lake Forest CA 92630

RSVP: 626-217-5830 / impianomom@gmail.com (Limited Space)

Website: http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=6fc074764712bc28bf558b101&id=7f5ec6a8ed 

4th Piano Mom Special Field Trip 


這個參觀活動是由 Piano Mom 導師 Ms.  Wendy 專門為沒有(或只有少許)鋼琴經驗的家長提供的。目的是希望家長在為孩子花大錢買琴之前,能更親身了解鋼琴的構造和選購的秘訣。這個非商業性的教育活動不收費用,Ms. Wendy 和資深琴師為你介紹鋼琴的功能和機制,各種鋼琴類型和品牌,那些鋼琴值得投資,並會分享一些鋼琴經銷商不會透露的內行小秘密。如果你打算給家裡孩子添一座鋼琴,而又不致如何下手,這個活動你千萬不能錯過!

It is a free event for people who already have or do not have piano experience and would like to know more about this instrument. It is an informative and educational event that will provide you information such as its function/mechanism and what types/brands of piano to invest/value for selling, and other topics which Piano Dealer will not reveal. 

September 19, 2015 at 10:30am-12pm

Cost: FREE

Location: http://www.pianos-wholesale.com/contactus.htm

If you are interested, please call Piano mom Wendy 626-217-5830 or visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1486513031642057/ to reserve your space (limited to 12 people only). 
