
Pack up the car and grab the kids - it's time for the 2014 Progressive Insurance Los Angeles Boat Show, showcasing hundreds of vessels from entry-level family cruisers to million dollar yachts, plus the latest in boating accessories and gear to prepare for fun on the water.  Even if you aren't a boater, there's nautical fun for everyone throughout the weekend.

Thurs. - Sun., Feb. 6 - 9

10am to 6pm

Los Angeles Convention Center

1201 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles

Fees: $12.00 for adult, free for children under 15


丫丫園地的小記者們去年在遊艇大展玩的不亦樂乎,今年我們將送出四張入場券給一個幸運家庭到場參觀今年度的洛杉磯遊艇大展,立即把你的姓名、電話、和小朋友年齡電郵給我們,就有機會中獎 (Feb. 1,  9:00 p.m.截止) 

** Ticket Giveaway** 

We are gad to be giving away family four-pack of tickets to this year's L A Boat Show and enjoy some super fun on the water!   Simply e-mail us at info@lajajakids.com and write in your full name, phone number and your kid's age, and you'll be entered into a special drawing for a the big prize!  

(note: make sure your entry is entered before 2/1/14 by 9:00pm!)


你家裡的小朋友愛好船隻和機械嗎?第54屆洛杉磯遊艇大展是讓全家都能玩得開心的特別活動。這是全美歷史最悠久、規模最龐大的遊艇船隻展示博覽會。在這裡,你會看到數以百計的各式遊艇、競賽艇、帆船,由 6尺到 60尺都有,還有各類水上兒童遊戲和比賽,Radio Disney 更會親臨現場與大家玩遊戲,送獎品! 


Highlights of Family and Kids Activities  當日精彩親子活動:

>>【全新】兒童遊樂區~~ 遙控帆船比賽、模擬衝浪、拼玩具船、造形氣球,還有Radio Disney 現場直播的遊戲遊戲節目。 

>> 在室內水池嘗試站立式"划艇"



>>【全新】 捉鱷魚表演~~ 由專家表演徒手將一隻8英尺、200磅的大鱷魚馴服,驚險刺激!還有初生鱷魚寶寶讓小朋友近距離接觸。 

>> 專業駕駛訓練~~ 由USCG認證的船長團隊親自教你掌握駕船秘技,大人小孩都可以參加喔!

>> 多個遊艇資訊講座~~ 讓你全面掌握遊艇的各種資訊

>> 更多好玩有趣的親子活動等著你去參與 


丫丫園地的小記者們去年在遊艇大展玩的不亦樂乎 :







 Marina del Rey 碼頭展示數十艘全新和二手機動船和帆船,讓你直接登船參觀,感受駕駛遊艇的無窮樂趣。

Browse a varied assortment of new and pre-owned powerboats and sailboats—all 34' and larger. In-water location in Marina del Rey produced in partnership with the California Yacht Brokers Association.

Location: Pier 44 - 4637 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey

Complimentary round trip shuttle transportation will be available to/from the LA Convention Center and Marina del Rey location.


February 6 & 7, Noon–5pm
February 8 & 9, 10am–5pm

Read more about the L A Boat Show and its feature activities, click here:

