
美人魚雕像位於丹麥哥本哈根邱吉爾公園(Churchill Park)的港口岩石上,是哥本哈根著名的觀光景點之一。

美人魚雕像在1909年時受到嘉士伯創辦人的兒子卡爾·雅布克森(Carl Jacobsen)的委託,因為他以童話故事為題材的芭蕾舞感到著迷。 於是在1912年,丹麥雕塑家愛德華·埃里克森(Edward Eriksen)根據安徒生童話並以妻子愛琳·埃里克森(Eline Eriksen)為藍本,雕塑了這尊美人魚雕像。  美人魚雕像與位於紐西蘭內皮爾的帕尼亞像(Pania of the Reef)有一些類似,而且美人魚的故事也與帕尼亞傳說有些相似。




August 23rd, 2013 is the 100th anniversary celebration of the Little Mermaid Statue at the Copenhagen harbor.  Please join us in saying "Happy Birthday" to her! 

The Little Mermaid statue is only a 10-minute walk from the cruise ship pier in Copenhagen. At less than five feet tall, the statue is much smaller than most people expect, and she sits on a rock near the shore, not in the middle of the harbor.

Hans Christian Andersen wrote "The Little Mermaid" fairy tale in 1837, and in 1909 the founder of Carlsberg Breweries, who was fascinated by the story, had the statue built.

The Little Mermaid statue has sat on her boulder since August 23, 1913, but has had a very turbulent life, with at least eight vandalism attacks. She has been dowsed in paint numerous times, had her right arm amputated, been decapitated three times, and even pushed from her rock in 2003. Fortunately, the sculptor made a mold, so the Little Mermaid's "parts" have been reattached from the original mold.