How well do you know SteveSongs? Enter for a chance to win a copy of the award winning artist's latest album!

特別鳴謝 PBS 兒童音樂節目主持 Mr. Steve 送給我們的簽名音樂專輯 CD -- Orangutan Van,小丫丫每天都要聽好幾遍呢!你也想擁有這隻CD? 馬上將以下問題的答案發送給我們,就有機會贏得音樂CD ()

1. Who is the featured artist in Orangutan Van?  音樂 CD 的主唱者名字是什麼?

     a.  Sean Roach   b.  Steve Roslonek   c.  Sam Burns


2. Our featured artist plays the character “Mr. Steve” on what show?    Steve主持的兒童節目在那個電視台播出?

a. PBS Kids Preschool Destination  b. The Sunny Side Up Show  c. SuperSproutlet Show


3.  Which is NOT the name of one of SteveSongs’ albums? 以下哪個不是

a.  Orangutan Van b.  Music Time with SteveSongs  c. The Best Day Ever


有經常收看 PBS Kids 公立電視的父母和小朋友都會聽過 SteveSongs 的大名吧。集互動、幽默、故事於一體的獨特兒歌風格,除了讓 SteveSongs 獲得許多音樂獎,並經常在電視上出現外,更時常在全美國作巡迴演出,與小朋友們貼身互動,既搞笑又豐富的演出常常讓小觀眾們把舞台前擠得水洩不通。 

今年 Steve 灌錄了一張全新 CD,主打歌叫 Brush Brush Brush,87 (星期三) SteveSongs 將會在 Pasadena  Levitt Pavilion 免費戶外音樂會演出。記得帶好野餐藤籃和毯子, 與小朋友一起享受一個屬於音樂的盛夏之夜吧



8 / 7 (Wed.)  7:00 PM 

The Levitt Pavilion

87 North Raymond Ave., Pasadena

Learn more about the summer children concert series

小提示:公園場地 6 點就開放,記得提早入場佔個好位子,還可以逛逛各式小吃和銷售攤檔呢 


SteveSongs has been writing and performing his award-winning music for kids and families for the past eleven years. Steve blends participatory songs, clever stories and great melodies to create what the Boston Globe called “not just a musical journey but an entertaining, interactive and educational one.” 

A rising star on the national kids’ music scene, SteveSongs has delighted audiences throughout the country. He has performed over 3000 shows across the country, and won numerous prestigious awards, including 2 Parents’ Choice Gold Awards, a Nappa Honor, 2 iParenting Media Awards, and 2 Children’s Music Web Awards.

試聽主打歌 Brush Brush Brush (記得一起做動作哦!)