生活在21世紀的城市中心,為了方便,人們都使用機動車作為交通工具,街道上都擠滿了車輛,充斥著廢氣。丫丫曾經想像過,如果有一天這世界上沒有了機動車,大家都只靠步行,自行车,溜冰鞋,滑板,滑板,和其他的非機動車來代步,那有多好呢?圖片中不就是洛杉磯其中最繁華的街道之一:Wilshire Boulevard? 難道丫丫的夢想實現了? 想知道究竟是什麽讓大家回歸自然,使用最原始的交通工具?快跟丫丫來看看

Is this Wilshire, one of the iconic boulevard in Los Angeles? How come there’s no single car on the road? Dream come true? Nope, it's CicLAvia, which temporarily removes cars from L.A. streets - and the streets fill up with smiles!  CicLAvia makes the streets safe for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike. There are activities along the route. Shop owners and restaurants are encouraged to open their doors to people along the CicLAvia. Loving the idea of living a healthy life in a sustainable world, JaJa was here to support CicLavia last Sunday.



Can you imagine the famous Wilshire Boulevard full of bikers?





Korean BBQ Festival




After one round of the biking, you tired? No worry, Korean BBQ was here providing delicious food.


Yummy food! I can't even hold my drooling ~~





The Korean cultural performance was really amazing!!





About CicLAvia

CicLAvia, 一個提倡大家在使用非機動交通工具來支持環保,健康生活的活動機構。每隔一段時間,CicLAvia就會挑選一條世界的城市中心來舉行這個活動,讓大家可以在平時被車輛佔據的鬧市中使用最原始的交通工具。現今,人們都依賴汽車來代步,城市越來愈多廢氣污染,人們由於缺乏運動而導致肥胖或者引起其他疾病。CicLAvia 提醒我們多在意地球可持續發展,多關注自己的健康,讓我們都來支持CicLAvia, 讓我們的地球變得更可愛。 

Connecting communities and giving people a break from the stress of car traffic. The health benefits are immense. Ciclovías bring families outside of their homes to enjoy the streets, our largest public space. In Los Angeles we need CicLAvia more than ever. Our streets are congested with traffic, our air is polluted with toxic fumes, our children suffer from obesity and other health conditions caused by the scarcity of public space and safe, healthy transportation options. 

CicLAvia creates a temporary park for free, simply by removing cars from city streets. It creates a network of connections between our neighborhoods and businesses and parks with corridors filled with fun. Even National Geographic named the event one of the top ten must-dos in the world this month.

你也想支持CicLAvia ?立即來看看下一站腳踏車巡遊

Wanna be a part of CicLAvia, click here>>

