讓大家久等的洛杉磯機場國際航廈雖然還沒有正式開幕,不過為了讓公眾早些看到它的設施和特色,LAX特地開放興建中的國際航廈給媒體和公眾參觀,丫丫園地上週參加了媒體預覽,還在市長的帶領下參觀了新航廈的建築,新航廈仍舊以前市長 Tom Bradley 命名,第一階段將在2013下半年正式開幕,第二期將在2015年完工。

The New Tom Bradley International Terminal is a world-class transportation facility befitting a cosmopolitan city like Los Angeles.  It is also a modern engineering marvel, using the latest in computer-aided design techniques, three-dimensional modeling, and state-of-the-art construction practices.   The first phase of the New TBIT Project is scheduled for completion in 2013 and the second phase in 2015. 




The new terminal’s architectural design with sloping rooftop reminiscent of waves breaking on a beach is expected to become a new iconic feature of the city.  An Integrated Environmental Media System comprised of seven architecturally-scaled media features will create the most advanced multimedia environment in any airport. 



為了讓旅客在離開洛杉磯前還能品LA的到底美食,新航廈與好多家洛城著名餐廳合作開設,其中不少是由女性名廚開設的餐廳,包 LarderBorderGrillChaya 和 Umami Burger 等,還有紅酒吧、俄羅斯魚子醬專賣店、杯裝蛋糕名牌 Vanilla等,實在令人興奮!

 New food-and-beverage and retail options will reflect the cultural diversity, cuisines, and trends of Los Angeles and put the “L.A. back into LAX.”.  Many of them will be introduced for the first time to an airport environment.





場界的巨Westfield 合作,引進和設立許多世界級名牌商店,尤其是

很能代表洛杉磯 Hollywood風潮的 Fred Segal,和不可或缺的免稅品

商店龍頭 Duty Free Shop,也將進駐新航廈。




新航廈落成後會有18個登機門,其中九個登機門可以停靠新一代的波音 747-8 機型和 Airbus A-380 飛機,將使洛杉磯國際機場成為接駁亞太國家和南美洲國家的重要樞紐。

 There will be 18 boarding gates at the new terminal, connecting flights to and from Asia Pacific and South America.  Nine of them can park for the new Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A-380.



丫丫園地也把握時機,向行政總裁 Gina Marie Linsey 提問有關新航廈的幼兒和親子設施,Gina 回答說機場將會有一個很大型的兒童遊樂設施,由 Westfield 負責設計和建築,不過尚未完工,所以還不能參觀,希望很快能向大家介紹。

We found a chance to ask Executive Director Gina Marie Linsey about the new terminal's blue print for kids-friendly facilities.  An elaborate play structure and family friendly facility is being designed by Westfield now, but is not available for us to view yet.   






Here are some interesting facts about the New Tom Bradley International Terminal:

• 1,179,000 square feet of useable space, nearly 40 percent greater than that of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

• Contains a total 45,000 tons of steel -- enough to build 148 Airbus A-380 super jumbo jets, or 22,206 mid-sized sport utility vehicles (SUVs).

• Structural steel only: 15,500 tons — enough to construct one 80-story office building.

• Contains 310,785 square feet of glass -- enough to create a window the size of 6.5 football fields (National Football League).

• Great Hall and boarding gate window count: approximately 5,000 windows

• Contains enough concrete to fill 8,000 cement trucks, or to create a one-foot-thick slab of concrete the size of 8.5 football fields.

• The new facility will be able to process 4,500 passengers per hour, up from the 2011 rate of 2,800 per hour.

• Minutes walking from aircraft to curbside: Average of 20 minutes

• Number of boarding gates: 18 new gates, of which nine can accommodate larger, newgeneration (Group VI) Airbus A-380 aircraft simultaneously with three boarding bridges – one extending to the aircraft’s upper deck and two to the main deck of the passenger cabin. The remaining nine have two passenger boarding bridges for each aircraft.

• Area of new facility: 1.2 million square feet, doubling the size of the existing Tom Bradley International Terminal.

• Length of new facility: 2,335 feet

• Peak height of Great Hall: 110 feet

• Size of Great Hall: 3 football fields (National Football League)

• Total architecture man-hours: Approximately 500,000 hours

• Total construction man-hours: Phase 1 of the New TBIT Project (2010 to 2013) used a combined total of 569 contractors and LAWA personnel with over 9,903 workers, who worked nearly 6.5 million man-hours.

• 47 percent of seats at the boarding gates are integrated with electrical outlets for charging personal electronic devices

• Designed to achieve LEED Silver sustainability rating from the U.S. Green Building Council

• The most expensive bottle of liquor featured in the duty-free shop for the New TBIT preview is a $46,000 bottle of Balvenie 50-year-old, single-malt whiskey. A limited edition Johnnie Walker Blue “Los Angeles Edition,” exclusive to LAX, will also be featured.

• Vertu mobile phones will be introduced at LAX with the most expensive phone being the $100,000 Vertu Signature diamond-studded phone.

• Chaya Executive Chef Shigefumi Tachibe is the original creator of the Tuna Tartare (1984), and as a result his chef knife and coat are currently displayed at the Smithsonian Institution.

• Time Tower is world’s largest interactive feature with an interactive base which triggers content across 6,480 square feet of LED (light-emitting diode) surfaces.

• All features are calibrated to the LAX universal clock, with the Time Tower’s “moving structure” synchronized to the 24 time zones served by LAX.

• The Integrated Environmental Media System (IEMS) contains over 60 productions including animation, CGI (computer graphics interface), live shoot in locations from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Bangkok, Thailand, that conceived, produced and loaded onto the features in six months.

• The IEMS (Integrated Environmental Media System) has a total output of more than 105 million pixels (eight times an Imax theater), which is 1,9075 square feet of video -- enough to cover a full façade of the 81-story Eiffel Tower in Paris.

• The IEMS’ Content Delivery System manages 88 HD (high definition) playback channels -- enough to drive all the LED (light-emitting diode) screens in New York’s Times Square.

• The Destination Board was designed as an information cloud to source traveler-relevant, live data on destination cities served by the more than 30 airlines operating in the New Tom Bradley