Summer Event Recommendation

NHM 100th Birthday Bash Day-to-night Celebration

NHM is officially 100 years old! To mark the centennial and kick off summer programming, a day-to-night celebration on Sunday, June 9, 2013 features kid-friendly activities, workshops in the new 3½-acre Nature Gardens, behind-the-scenes collection tours with Museum scientists, and musical entertainment from The Ranger Band and Rhythm Child. 

Nature after dark is even more fun! Famous rocket scientist Adam Steltzner from JPL will be there to show you all about the Mars Curiosity rover.  There will be lots of food trucks, garden tours, DJs Raul Campos, Anthony Valadez and Canyon Cody in the Mammal Halls, and outdoor shows with DEVO and GZA/The Genius IN CONCERT!




69日   自然歷史博物館一百週年慶典大派對

自然歷史博物館 100歲了!雖然比起有億萬年歷史的恐龍來說還很短,但在年輕的洛杉磯確是一個盛事!為了慶祝這個大日子, NHM 將在前一天閉館準備,69日當天下午開始就有一連串的慶祝活動,包括參觀特別展廳、兒童手工藝坊、戶外花園展覽;到了晚上,更有太空總署的火星探測車展示、即將開幕的 OTIS BOOTH 展館的預告巡禮、還有各種美食和音樂派對,真是越夜越精彩!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 [map]

9am -12pm: 

Nature Gardens and Nature Lab -- Members-only preview

自然花園和自然實驗室 - 僅限會員預覽

9am – 5pm: 

Kids activities; gardening workshops; musical entertainment; nature crafts and more!



5 – 11pm: 

Nature after dark is even more fun! The Otis Booth Pavilion debuts with a spectacle of light and sound. Plus, food trucks, garden tours, DJs in the Mammal Halls.  

越夜越精彩!籌建多年的 Otis Booth 展館首次公開亮相!還有好多美食車、園林遊覽、當然少不了現場樂隊演出和派對氣氛, 應有盡有,更有太空總署的火星探測車展示,真是越夜越精彩!

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