With three weekends of acclaimed, international short-film programs, the beloved festival returns to delight movie-goers big and small. This global tour of charming, funny and poignant films —hailing from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Japan, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, Spain and Taiwan, among others—is an awe-inspiring journey for the whole family. Festival highlights include the latest in both live action and animated shorts, and a very special Nickelodeon Family Fun Day! 



瀏覽官方網站 website: REDCAT.org




We talked with curator Elizabeth Shepherd before the festival to learn about how she curated this film festival and her favorite film this year:


我們很榮幸訪問了負責策劃這次紅貓貓電影節選片工作的資深電影界人士 Elizabeth Shepherd,與我們分享了她對電影節和兒童電影的看法和心得。


Q: what is the theme for this year's festival and how is it different from the previous years?

Shepherd: The theme for the festival is always "see the world and feed your mind." The programs in the festival are meant to open windows to the world and show children different ways to look at the human experience. Whether that means joyous animation for your children or more serious short films exploring issues for older kids, the aim is always to expand children's horizons through film — one of the most powerful means of storytelling every devised. 


問. 今年電影節的主題是? 與往年相比有什麼不同?

答: 紅貓貓電影節的主題一如既往,都是「放眼世界,收穫見識」,我們選擇影片時是面向全世界搜索的,目的就是要從不同方位和方式向小朋友展示人類文明和發展。在影片內容方面,無論是令小朋友輕鬆愉快的動畫、還是探索大孩子成長問題的教育短片,其目的就是要通過電影來擴大孩子們的視野,因為電影是敘述故事最有力的設計手法之一。




Q:  Please explain the process of how these films are submitted and selected?  what is the standard you use?

Shepherd: There is a lengthy submission process that begins each May prior to the festival. We issue a call for entries and festival guidelines, and actively solicit films that have won prizes and been a part of other respected international children's film festivals worldwide.  Program associates in other countries write to us with ideas. Then, a selection committee comprised of children, parents and film professionals sits down and watches more than 250 films submitted to the festival. All this work takes place in Seattle under the auspices of Northwest Film Forum and Children's Film Festival Seattle. The final programs are presented each January in Children's Film Festival Seattle to the public and groups of school children. From feedback with audience members, teachers and a 15-member Children's Jury, we finalize the programs for REDCAT. It's a long process of vetting that ensures REDCAT audiences will have a high quality experience.



. 請為我們解釋電影從遞交到挑選的程序,你們評選的標準是什麼?REDCAT的評選工作是由自己一手承擔,還是有其他團隊或者委員會協助?

答: 每年的五月,我們就開始接受作品提交,這是一個很漫長的過程。我們通過發佈電影參選規則來徵求優秀作品,我們致力於尋找那些曾經獲獎或者是其他著名國際兒童電影節推薦的好電影。來自世界各地的電影公司或組織都紛紛寫信來給我們做介紹推薦。我們的選拔委員會是由不同年齡的孩子、父母和電影專業人士組成,每年他們要觀看的候選電影幾乎都超過250多部。

所有的評選活動都是由西北電影論壇和西雅圖兒童電影協會聯合舉辦,最終被挑選的電影節目會由西雅圖兒童電影協會在每年1月向公眾和學校發佈。我們會從各類觀眾、教師和由15名兒童組成的陪審團當中徵詢意見,最後才敲定究竟哪些節目被列入 REDCAT。這是一個漫長的審批過程,確保觀眾看到的都是高品質的電影作品。


China Fantasy China Fantasy

Q: Among all these films, which one, or two, leave you the most impression?

Shepherd: I can't limit myself to only one or two! One of my favorite festival films, this year, is "China Fantasia," it is created by a young but seasoned teacher from China, Joe Chang, who got his inspiration from Dinsey’s Fantasia, but created his own rendition by combining various traditional Chinese folk art elements, such as paper cutting, ink painting, etc. and also added a beautiful Chinese traditional music as background.

. 在眾多入選電影中,哪部電影給你的印象最深刻?

答: 令我印象最深刻的影片絕對不只一部!今年其中一部我最喜歡的就是「China Fantasia」,這部短篇動畫是由一位年輕中國教師 Joe Chang 所創作、並向迪士尼的經典「幻想曲」致敬的電影。電影裡用了傳統中國音樂來取代西方古典音樂作為背景,而且拍攝手法更展現了中國民間傳統藝術,如剪紙、水墨等,非常具有創意,還能讓不同年齡的觀眾對中國藝術加深認識,所以這是我的大力推薦的電影。另外,CALEIDOSCOPIO 涵蓋了八部電影來自拉丁美洲的兒童電影,無論內容情節和畫風都充滿了南美風情,讓人難忘。

【丫丫註:China Fantasia 在這次電影節有兩次播出日期,分別是54日和519日,每場門票只是$5(大小同價),大家可以上網訂票:http://www.redcat.org/event/ricff-day-1


Q:  In your view, what do you want parents and children to take away with them from this film festival?
Shepherd: Obviously, I hope that parents and children will enjoy themselves — laugh and experience awe at these stories. But beyond that, film is an art form, and I want children and parents to experience it as such. I hope their world view is broadened by hearing other languages and watching stories about children worldwide.  I hope they learn something, whether that is a fact about another country or an insight into their own experiences and personalities. I want the art of film to work its wonders on festival audiences.  There are way too many choices of entertainment for families today, while we are getting more and more used to personal form of entertainments, like download, app, etc., we tend to forget that watching a film together as a family can be a precious collective experience for everyone, and through discussing about it afterward, we can learn together, understand more about each other, and share wonderful memories together.


. 在你看來,你想家長和孩子們從電影節裡學到什麽?

答: 首先,無論是令他們歡笑的故事還是令他們肅然沉思的故事,我都希望家長和孩子們能樂在其中。 但除此之外,電影是一種藝術形式,我希望孩子和家長能深入去體驗這一藝術。我相信他們從電影裡面的多種藝術語言,和來自世界各地小孩的不同故事中,不但能開闊他們的視野,更能讓他們從別人的經驗中不斷建立自己。最重要的是,一同觀看電影是讓家長與孩子增加互動和討論心得的機會,也是讓大人得以窺見兒童內心感受的一個好方法。


REDCAT International Children Film Festival 


日期 / Dates:three weekends in May; 五月份 3 個週末,共六天:May 4-5, May 11-12, May 18-19

場次 / Shows: 3 shows a day 每天二至三場(12:00,1:30 & 3:00)

地點 / Location:Roy & Edna Disney CalArts Theater, 631 West 2nd Street, Los Angeles

              ( inside Walt Disney Concert Hall )

門票 / Tickiet:$5 each; 每張$5,大小同價




Saturday, May 4

12:00 pm   Short and Sweet

1:30 pm   China Fantasia

3:00 pm   Small is Powerful


Sunday, May 5

12:00 pm   Animal Kingdom

1:30 pm   Caleidoscopio

3:00 pm   Continental Hop


Saturday, May 11

12:00 pm   Short and Sweet

1:30 pm   Path Waves


Sunday, May 12, Nickelodeon Family Fun Day

12:00 pm   Nick Jr.

3:00 pm   Nickelodeon


Satuday, May 18

12:00 pm   Animal Kingdom

1:30 pm   For the Beauty of the Earth

3:00 pm   Shiver and Shake


Sunday, May 19

12:00 pm   Short and Sweet

1:30 pm   China Fantasia

3:00 pm   Caleidoscopio