背負著將讀書精神傳承下去的使命,我們終於在上週末將 Middle School, The Worst Year of My Life  送到小讀者們手中。除了本身送書活動的參加者外,我們還遵從"世界圖書之夜" 的目標,從我們身邊挑選了幾位平常少看書的小朋友,希望透過這本圖書能激勵他們對讀書的興趣! 快來看看究竟誰是獲得《世界圖書之夜》免費圖書的小小幸運兒?






Wesley K. -- 中學夢靨

Ryann R. -- 初中 - 我最倒霉的日子:

Showru Y. -- "我最頭大的中學生活"

Alice M. -- 中學時人生最糟之年




Skylar C. 

Book name:  Casey and Bella Face their First Bully

Brief Intro: My mum tell me when I enter first grade, I will face bully.  I don't know what it mean, until I read this book.  So, I learn not to fight bully, but to tell an adult.  And I did and it works.



Emily: 6 years old


我的孩子6岁,在2012年的圣诞节收到来自uncle的圣诞礼物,一本书,书名是 THE RAINBOW FISH,因为是讲述鱼的,所以她很喜欢读,而且书的印刷很精美,颜色很漂亮。




Who else got inspired? 




Anthony W.


Angeline N.

Nikhil N.


Jeremy C.

Anthony L.






Which book WBN recommends this year?  本年度推薦書籍

We can't agree more with WBN's advocacy on the importance of reading and loves the idea of spreading the love of reading, person to person.  We are proud to participate in the 2013 World Book Night campaign with our support to this meaningful reading activity.  We will be giving away many copies of the featured book - -Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life and do our part to help make the World Book Night reality.

我們十分認同讀書的重要性,也樂意成為將對閱讀之愛傳遞出去的一份子。丫丫園地很榮幸被選中成為贈書成員之一!,能有機會為大家介紹并派發今年推薦圖書 -- Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life




No.1 New York Times Bestseller

No.1 Indiebound Bestseller

Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life is a realistic fiction novel by James Patterson. The story begins when Rafe Khatchadorian enters sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School. Rafe dislikes his new school saying, “I think it was a prison for Pilgrims back then, but not too much has changed. Now it’s a prison for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders.”

He has enough problems at home without throwing his first year of middle school into the mix, but luckily he's got an ace plan for the best year ever--if only he can pull it off. With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his school's oppressive Code of Conduct.

Rafe's actions cause him to get horrible grades, get him suspended. Rafe also gets expelled from middle school by spraying graffiti on the school walls, but Ms. Donatello sees the potential in the art he has been doing. He is sent to an art school instead of middle school, and in the final part of the book, it is revealed that Leonardo is also Rafe's dead twin brother. Rafe apparently lives happily ever after at his art school.


Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life 由詹姆斯·帕特森編寫的一本幽默寫實小說。故事是由 Rafe Khatchadorian 讀初中開始。Rafe很不喜歡他的新學校, Rafe 試圖打破一切規則,甚至在學校圍牆上噴灑塗鴉,Rafe的反叛行為讓他被學校停學,但與此同時,Ms. Donatello 認為他有藝術潛力,他被送到一所藝術學校。想知道Rafe在中學時期為何會有這樣的反叛行為?他在當中如何被激勵如何被發掘?在藝術學校有怎樣的發展? 那就快來參加丫丫園地贈書大行動,就有機會將這本書帶回家! 


Please click here to watch the interview of James Patterson




What is WBN?

World Book Night U.S. is a celebration of books and reading held on April 23, when 25,000 passionate volunteers across America give a total of half a million books within their communities to those who don’t regularly read.  World Book Night U.S. is truly a nationwide initiative, with the involvement of authors, publishers, agents, booksellers, librarians, and, above all, readers!  






Why is it on April 23?

April 23 is the UNESCO International Day of the Book, as well as Shakespeare’s birthday. It was also chosen in honor of Miguel de Cervantes, who died on April 23, 1616 (the same day as Shakespeare).

其實, 423日是莎士比亞的生日,莎士比亞和著名西班牙作家 -- 塞萬提斯也是在這一天去世的。為了紀念莎士比亞和塞萬提斯,聯合國教科文組織特意設立這一天為“世界圖書日”。


Why is WBN so important?

Reading for pleasure improves literacy, actively engaging emerging readers in their desire to read. Reading changes lives, improves employability, social interaction, enfranchisement, and can have a positive effect on mental health and happiness. Book readers are more likely to participate in positive activities such as volunteering, attending cultural events, and even physical exercise. Books are fun, and they can be life-changing.

 The main purpose of WBN was to imagine a way to encourage more people to read. What better way to spread a love for reading than to inspire passionate readers to go out into their communities and share copies of their favorite books with those who don’t regularly read? Giving is an incredibly powerful part of our culture. 


 《世界圖書之夜的主要目的就是要鼓勵更多的人閱讀, 最好推廣閱讀的方式莫過於就是讓熱愛閱讀的讀者走出去,與那些不經常閱讀的人,分享自己喜歡的書,讓對讀書的愛去感染更多人。