
Guess where we were on the first of the Year of the Snake?  We were paddling, surfing, dancing and playing up tons of fun at the 54th Los Angeles Boat Show.  It might not be exactly what you have in mind for lunar new year celebration, but we had a wonderful time at this fun family event!

活動當日,盛況空前,會議中心擺設滿各式各樣遊艇,吸引了很多人前來觀看欣賞。其中還有多項有趣的水上運動開放給家長與小朋友們一同體驗,更好的是,所有遊戲都是免費的!當然,少不了的是 Radio Disney的遊戲與抽獎,將當日活動的氣氛推向高潮!丫丫小記者們很榮幸能與 Radio Disney 的主持人有互動的機會,讓我們快來看看活動當日的精彩環節吧~


There were not only hundreds of new brands and models in the show, but also various fun water sport games for families to enjoy together. Our Junior Journalists also played games and interviewed with Radio Disney. If you missed the event, no worry, read on and we'll show you all!






Dora the bilingual girl was the idol of JaJa since babyhood, finally they are united


Dora 與大家一起拍照并參與水上活動

Dora arrived at the water game playing field and, amazingly, did a wonderful job on the stand up paddling boat challenge!  



小記者們在耐心等候玩水上運動時一起拍個大合照 (左至右:Arvin, Angeline,小丫丫, Ashley

Four of our Junior Journalists waiting to play "stand up paddleboarding" (from left to right: Arvin, Angeline, JaJa, Ashley)

*Click here to read article by our Junior Journalists*



Let's do a "dry-run" before getting into real water



專人指導如何正確划槳, 所以我們這些新手看起來還有模有樣的

The coach was teaching us how to correctly hold the paddle



We couldn't let the kids have all the fun, so we joined in too. 



Junior Journalists trying out the remote boat docking challenge




 Surfing simulation challenge - the girls did a great job



終於等到 Radio Disney 的團隊出現啦 ~


The raffle prizes were really attractive



有關水上安全的問答遊戲, 獎品好豐富!

Junior Journalists answering the water safety game quiz



Matching game to test your knowledge about water safety



It's time to dance your feet off!


訪問時間  Interview with Radio Disney Host


Now it's time to put the kids to work.  All the junior journalists prepared some "tough" questions to challenge the Radio Disney host.  But as professional as she was, the host didn't choke at all when we threw her all the curve balls.  Wanna know what we asked her?  Click on to our Junior Journalist page to read the article written by our little writers!





Group Picture Time


與 Radio Disney互動的遊戲和訪問時間,讓每個小記者們都覺得不枉此行。相信小記者們必定有一番特別體會,讓我們繼續來看看各位小記者們的體驗分享...

It’s our honor to interview Radio Disney. Let’s see how the Junior Journalists feel about playing and interviewing with Radio Disney!