Busy parents creating another at-risk group of poor readers

The Star News – Jim Boyle

“Katy Smith, the first early childhood educator to be named teacher of the year by Education Minnesota, says there’s a new at-risk group of readers….It’s those who have parents are too busy to read.”

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Early education: Education is critical to staying healthy for a lifetime

The Coloradoan- Staff Writer

“Make sure that children are encouraged to get moving. Research shows that children are more active when they have better motor skills. Motor skills are something children need to practice, to see in motion and to enjoy working on.”

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Praise children’s effort, not their intelligence

The Telegraph- Nick Collins

“Parents who tell their children how clever they are may be doing them more harm than good, according to a study which found it is best to praise the effort rather than the child.”

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Why Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?

New York Times – Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman

Never before has the pressure to perform on high-stakes tests been so intense or meant so much for a child’s academic future. As more school districts strive for accountability, standardized tests have proliferated. The pressure to do well on achievement tests for college is filtering its way down to lower grades, so that even third graders feel as if they are on trial. .”

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