Children’s creativity is beyond our imagination. Their creative words and drawings always can bring us to a fantastic world. That’s the reason why PBS SoCaL is looking for your child’s original stories! 2013 PBS KIDS GO! Writer’s Contest is a great opportunity for your kids to show their creativity.

The goal of the contest is to encourage, challenge and reward effort, so every child who submits an original story will be recognized for their participation with a Certificate of Appreciation. Also, the students who are on the lists of the top three places have chance to get valuable prizes. Don’t be hesitated to share your original ideas with PBS! Kids Go~!

你家小孩創作很有創意嗎?他/她喜歡寫作嗎?那就不要錯過由 著名美國公立電視台兒童頻道 PBS Kids 舉辦的“兒童寫作大賽” 其實,小孩子天馬行空的創作往往出乎我們的想像, PBS希望藉著這次寫作比賽能鼓勵父母支持小孩發揮他們的創意,寫出屬於他/她們自己的故事!或者你未曾發現你小孩的創作能力,不要緊,就讓這次比賽來激發你孩子的寫作潛能吧~

 為了勉勵各位小孩培養寫作的興趣與習慣,PBS決定頒發感謝狀給每位參與的小朋友。 其中,頭3名的得獎者還有機會獲得名貴獎品。別猶豫啦~ 快來參加這麼難得的“PBS 全國兒童寫作大賽”~



Eligibility & Entry Guidelines

*Contest is open to kids in grades K-3; each grade level will be judged separately

* To be eligible, an entrant must be a legal resident of the fifty (50) United States

* Only one entry per person

* Stories can be fact or fiction, and prose or poetry

* Text may be integrated into the illustration pages and must be printed or written legibly or typed

* Each entry must include the official PBS KIDS GO! Writers Contest Entry Form, with the required signature of a parent/guardian (and, if appropriate, the optional signature of the sponsoring teacher)

 National Judging, Awards & Notification

* Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

·         40% Creativity and originality of plot and/or themes,

·         40% Story structure and use of literary devices,

·         20% Relevance, quality and originality of illustration


u  Each national winner’s story will be posted on the Contest Web site at in 2013

u  4 first place winners -- Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) $200 USD

u  4 second place winners --  e-readers (ARV $100 USD)

u  4 third place winners -- MP3 players (ARV $75 USD) 


參賽資格 & 規則                









l  故事的原創性和創意占40%

l  故事結構與文筆占40%

l  插圖的相關性和原創性占20%


u  每位得獎者的作品會被刊登在比賽的官方網站

u  4位第一名得獎者可獲Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) $200 USD

u  4位第二名得獎者可獲 e-readers (ARV $100 USD)

u  4位第二名得獎者可獲 MP3 players (ARV $75 USD) 

credit by last year winner

Contest begins on January 14, 2013. All entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2013.


Click here to download application form



La JaJa Kids is proud to support this interesting and meaningful contest event, encouraging you to participate.  丫丫園地全力支持“PBS 全國兒童寫作大賽”

Click here enter the Contest