


Sculpture Garden

羅丹的戶外雕塑展- - 極少數可以讓孩子觸摸的銅像。








Levitated Mass

為了裝置這塊巨石,LACMA 特地建造了一條456尺長的走道,在上面放置了一個340噸重的花崗岩巨石。走到逐漸下降到十五尺的深度,人們就可以在巨石下經過。

藝術家 Michael Heizer 的傳作構思可能很複雜,可是在小丫丫眼裡,這就是一塊好大好大的石頭,最適合她們擺pose拍照!









Walter De Maria: The 2000 Sculpture

裝置藝術大師Walter De Maria的概念性作品【2000】佔據了整個展廳,小丫丫繞場一周把橫直兩面的方塊數了一遍,趁機上了一堂乘法課。




Metropolis II                    

由現代行為藝術家 Chris Burden 創作的【大都市之II】是一座讓人感受強烈的動感雕塑,它仿照今日節奏快速的現代城市,以鋼樑搭成一個縱橫交錯的道路網絡,交織成一個複雜的運輸系統,其中包括18條道路、六條車道的高速公路,和大規模火車軌道。






Chris Burden's Metropolis II is an intense kinetic sculpture, modeled after a fast paced, frenetic modern city. Steel beams form an eclectic grid interwoven with an elaborate system of 18 roadways, including one 6 lane freeway, and HO scale train tracks. Miniature cars speed through the city at 240 scale miles per hour; every hour, the equivalent of approximately 100,000 cars circulate through the dense network of buildings. 




這個展覽也成為了吸引最多大人和小朋友目光和腳步的地方,小丫丫駐足良久,一直在其他小孩研究著每輛火車的起點和終點 . . .


According to Burden, "The noise, the continuous flow of the trains, and the speeding toy cars, produces in the viewer the stress of living in a dynamic, active and bustling 21st Century city."




Boone 兒童藝廊

Boone 兒童藝廊位於 Hammer Building,裡面有很寬大的遊戲空間,小朋友可以盡情體驗中國和韓國傳統國畫的毛筆畫法,完全免費。逢星期一和五下午2點,更有兒童講故事時間,由資深工作人員為小朋友講解古老的亞洲民俗故事,讓大家對展館的文物有更深入的了解和連結。


所有免費周一入場日和兒童藝廊的活動都是免費的(謝謝 Target  Boone 家族的贊助),不過為了控制人流,館方還是要求大家在售票處索取免費門票,門口並沒有明顯標誌介紹這些免費活動,所以大家一定要開口詢問啊!

下一次的免費週一入場日將在二月十八日總統紀念日舉行,如果不想等太久的話,也可以在這個星期天(二月三日)參加它的週末親子藝術日(Andell Family Sundays),每次都會有不同的藝術家參與為小朋友介紹各類不同的藝術創作,很適合小學高年級的學生!


 注意:Boone 兒童藝廊星期三休館。



Target Free Holiday Mondays: Presidents' Day

Monday, February 18, 2013 | 11 am

Visitors of all ages are invited to a free day at the museum, with bilingual tours, free programs, art-making activities, and live music by Triple Chicken Foot at 12:30 and 2:45 pm. Triple Chicken Foot is an old-time trio playing early American fiddle and banjo songs. With Ben Guzmán on fiddle/mandolin, Mike Heinle on banjo, and Kelly Marie Martin on guitar—and all three singing—Triple Chicken Foot plays fiddle tunes, gospel songs, foot-stomping dance numbers, beautiful duets, and intense three-part-harmony a cappella ballads.


Andell Family Sundays—Animal Avatars

February 3, 10, 17, 24 | 12:30 – 3:30 pm

Are you a parrot, leaf-nosed bat, or a jaguar? Discover your own animal avatar in the exhibition The Ancient Maya World: Masterworks from the Permanent Collection.

You can make your own Maya-inspired art in the following artist workshops:

Mayan animal book with artist Marianne Sadowski 
Inspired by animal iconography, families will learn about animals from different Mayan regions and create an accordion zoo book.

Clay the Maya way with artist Marylene Camacho
Families will learn to sculpt and decorate clay vessels with their own images based on Mayan animal iconography.

Toddler tarp with artist Joe Pelayo 
Artists five years old and younger will make their own headdresses based on images of Mayan bats and jaguars.

Art cart with artists Beatriz Jaramillo and Robert Morse
Sketching an artwork is one of the best ways to really see it. And, it is a great activity for the whole family to do together!

Bilingual Family Tours
Join educators Lluvia Higuera and Lazaro Arvizu on a fun family tour of the exhibition
 The Ancient Maya World: Masterworks from the Permanent Collection. The tours are designed to be interactive and family friendly with playful observation and discussion in Spanish and English.