We are looking for Chinese-looking boys and girls (ages 4-5) and young fathers to appear in a global advertising TV commercial production together.

If you are:

> Chinese –looking male with strong arms (age 32-36 looking)

> Chinese-looking girls and boys 4 to 5 years old

> Cute, bright and outgoing personality

> No acting experience necessary

> Earn $592.20/day SAG scale rate (plus up to $5,000 exclusivity right and an additional $1776.60 if ad is shown on the internet)


Apply for Audition Now!   Auditions are held in Pasadena and Hollywood.  To make an audition appointment, please e-mail your headshot (max. file size 1MB) with full name, date of birth, parent’s name and contact number to us:  hitomi@yumicasting.com