It is back to school time already.  Are your little ones ready for all of the social challenges awaiting them? Together we can get them (and you) prepared.

快要開學了! 您的小朋友準備好要將要面臨各種人際關係的挑戰了嗎? 讓我們陪您一起準備吧!

Be a Positive Example 成為模范父母

Manners start at home. The way you act around your kids and the way your kids see you act around others is the foundation of their manners and thus their future. Think about your typical morning routine. Are you organized and focused? Do you stay calm when time starts getting away from you? Do you give your children the attention, time, and physical contact they need and desire? By making time for your children, whether joining them at the table for breakfast, chatting during the drive to school verses being on the telephone, or sitting down this them after school to debrief and share their day, shows them they are valuable as well as teaches them how to value others.

禮儀在家學起. 您的孩子會學習或模仿您的行為舉止, 因此您的一舉一動會直接影響到您的孩子的未來! 想想你早上的生活習慣,  您會整理和專注嗎? 當時間越來越少的時候, 你會保持冷靜嗎? 您有關心孩子, 為他()做心理輔導嗎? 當您跟孩子共享時光的時刻, 您有陪伴他()吃早餐, 在車上不通電話而陪他()聊天, 或在放學後坐下來聽他()跟您分享每一天嗎? 這些都可以讓他()證實自己的價值, 而且可以教他們如何珍惜別人!  


Another aspect of manners is being able to respect others. The way your children will gauge your respect for others will, in part, be influenced by how they see you treat everyday situations; traffic laws, crossing guards, or meeting deadlines/appointments. If you think it is okay to disrespect authority, they will too.

小朋友要學會尊重別人. 您的孩子會在不同生活情況中模仿甚至學習您對待別人的方式; 例如遵守交通規則, 對待警衛, 或者面對預約和會議! 如果您認為不尊重別人是對的, 您的孩子也會同樣地不尊重他們!

Talk to Your Kids about Manners 跟您的孩子講禮儀

Talk to your kids about manners. Teach them the three R’s before they get to school:Respect for self; Respect for others and to accept Responsibility for all their actions. Talk to them and show them how to develop strong character and personal integrity, and share your knowledge and your skills to the best of your ability.

跟孩子講究禮儀. 上學前, 教他们三個重點: 尊重自己, 尊重别人, 和勇于承擔責任. 告訴他們如何展示自己的特色和個性, 也跟他們分享你的知識舆才能! 

Some basics to reinforce in and out of the classroom:


§ Be on time 準時上學

§ Don't tell lies - to anyone 要對別人誠實

§ Don't answer back 不要頂嘴

§ Don't be noisy or disruptive 不要喧嘩或者打擾別人

§ Co-operate with others 要有團體精神

§ Pay attention and be present 要專心, 專注

§ Don't talk while others are speaking 不要打斷別人的話

§ Don't fight, pull, push or shove anyone. Don't steal from anyone

   不要推撞別人, 不要拿別人的東西

§ Never bite anyone 不要怪責別人

§ Pick up your own litter 要有自己的態度

**We would like to thank Ms. Constance Hoffman, Harmony Cotillion Etiquette Instructor, for providing us such helpful information on manners for kids. For more info about Harmony Cotillion manners classes for children and youth, please visit