Interview by Eric Hao (9)

Queen Mary’s CHILL Media Launch Party



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  Coverage by Eric Hao (9 years old) 


On Friday, November 16, 2012.  I went the media party of the launch of Queen Mary CHILL event. When I first went in, I saw a group of people singing on the side Christmas Songs. Then when we went to a small tent that fit in 45 people. There was another journal list to, her name is Madeline. When Madeline and I were in the tent, we took pictures with Santa.

After that we went to eat. We didn’t know that there were servers handing out some foods. The foods looked so amazing and it also tastes good.         


We waited outside still 7:00 pm. When we went inside there was no line so we went in, but first we had to wear a heavy jacked because it is 7 degrees inside. One of the employees said to me.  We ware our coat and now ready to go inside.  

When I went in there was beautiful music and ice culture of a princess and a princes at the first room. Then at the second room there is The Titanic. Now you can touch the thing when you slid down The Titanic. Then there‘s the next one is Santa’s factory. There a bunch of toys like lion, panda, teddy bear, giraffe, soldier and the last one is the clear bear. The last room is the church and there are beautiful angels. Were tell about god and there story. Then when I went out, I remembered the amazed ice culture in there because it looks like real and colorful.


 After that we went ice skating. It was awesome because we had met the Disney stars from A.N.T Farm. I had met Olive, Angst, and Paisley. I felt excited and a little nervous, I talked to them and took some pictures. They were very good at skating and I was not that good, but later it turned out pretty fun.

On the ice there is seal that you can hold if you don’t know how to skate, the seal are plastic so there not really ones. The seal has boost seat so your son or daughter can sit on it.

I had so much fun in Mary’s Ice Kingdom. Thanks so much La JaJa kids for the invitation me and letting me do this. 








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