【小記者 Ryan 專訪系列 part 2】健康有道:專訪美食名廚 Charles Chen

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小記者 Ryan Lin 的成功人士專訪系列這次很幸運採訪到一位非常特別的名廚 ~~Charles Chen,經常穿梭於各大電視台的健康美食名廚 Charles 原來小時候胖胖的,他的體重曾經高達 260 磅,透過飲食、運動和冥想來減掉100多磅的 Charles 現在透過電視節目和網路分享有關健康飲食的訊息,在主流媒體是超級大紅人呢!

Learn how to reclaim your health through food! 

Reclaiming your Health Through Food 

by Ryan Lin
    Have you tried diet plans and going to the gym every day, but nothing seems to work? My name is Ryan Lin and I am a La jaja kids junior journalists. More than 3 million cases of obesity are open per year. Every year we spend half the money on trying to solve obesity, but on the other hand, we are spending the other half promoting processed food. So, the question we should ask is “Are we really doing anything?” All these years we had the solution, but we didn’t really use it. By eating healthier every day, swapping out some alternatives, and exercising daily we can start and a new life living within a life. It is my pleasure to interview Charles Chen in Santa Monica. He is a healthy chef promoting healthy lifestyles. With many accomplishments and hosting many clubs, he guides many people to eat healthy with delicious and explosion of flavor dishes. He has many vivid and hearty recipes on his websites, which are all easy to make.
Mr. Chen is a Type A personality and an artistic person. He is very friendly and welcoming people to make them feel like you know him for a long time.  When I started to interview him I felt butterflies flying in my stomach. Mr. Chen told me to get up and warm up before the interview. We got up and did 10 jumping jacks. After the warm-up, I felt relieved to interview him. The interview went very smoothly and productively. While we I was hit with words of inspiration. He made me look from a different perspective of food. His answers to my questions persuaded me to change to a healthy lifestyle. I ask myself during the interview, “Why haven’t I tried eating healthier earlier?” I think that his knowledge of cooking can really help young chefs enjoy cooking but in a healthy way. As a chef, it takes knowledge of different ingredients and how their combination would work.  The ability to keep experimenting with tastes takes practice and the knowledge is gained over time. From this interview, I learned that it is important to distribute food and healthy evenly otherwise one side will dominate the other.
After the interview, I gained tons of knowledge. He taught strategies in cooking to starting a lifestyle. He also taught me an important thought. If you mess up, start over, and don’t give up. One of his mentors told him this and helped him to succeed. Now I hope he can pass on his knowledge through many generations that come after us. By following his social media accounts and his clubs, I start to reclaim to a healthy “lifestyle”. My life changed after the interview. Instantly I was conscious of what types of food I eat and making sure that I exercise on a daily basis. After hearing what Charles Chen had to say, I hope everyone in the world can try to change to a healthy lifestyle.

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