小記者專訪 Shila Amzah + 《魚躍龍門》玫瑰花車超強音樂團隊




nathan shila

新年玫瑰花車遊行還有幾天就到了,誠保利與美國巴鼎集團的花車今年特別讓人期待,除了因為《魚躍龍門》的主題和漂亮的鯉魚造型非常吸睛,而新科技 AR 視覺效果也讓人更投入之外,今年的花車還有自己的主題曲《Rising Above》,這首歌更是由三屆艾美獎得主的知名音樂人王宗賢 (Nathan Wang)創作,並將由在亞洲擁有超高人氣的馬來西亞歌手茜拉 (Shila Amzah) 獻聲,實在讓人期待呢!

Shila 的歌聲美妙高昂又富感情,在人氣節目《我是歌手2》裡大家都成了她的粉絲,前天在 Pasadena 記者會上,Shila 更即席高歌,展露美妙的歌聲,讓大家陶醉不已。玫瑰花車遊行當天,她更將親子坐在《魚躍龍門》花車上,與現場和全球數億觀眾揮手,也讓大家非常興奮呢!

小記者(也是超級粉絲)Karen 在記者會當天獲得黃金機會近距離與偶像 Shila 進行了一次一對一專訪,既興奮又緊張,當天的採訪片段更是由 Karen 親自剪接,想不想看到小記者與 Shila 的交流過程?立刻點擊以下訪談視頻,一起與偶像茜拉面對面!


Feature Interview with Shila Amzah ~ Special Report by Junior Journalist Karen S.

I was very honored to be able to not only meet Shila Amzah, but have a chance to talk to her and ask her some questions this Tuesday the 28th. After a press conference for Singpoli American BD’s Rose Float, Shila and I sat down in a small lounge for the interview. She says she is very excited to be here in L.A. for the first time and to work with Nathan Wang on the song she will be singing atop the float on New Year’s Day. She hopes the song will inspire people to keep on trying and not to be afraid of failure.

“I’m really excited because this is my very first time to be on a float… and I hope I’ll be waving at the right people,” Shila laughed.

Shila Amzah is Malaysian singer-songwriter who is among the most popular artists in Asia. Shila recorded her first song at the tender age of nine. She became the champion in a Chinese singing reality show called Asian Wave during 2012, which launched her fame in China, gaining her many fans and followers. Since then, Shila has been releasing music in Malaysian, Chinese and English, which made her internationally well-known.

She says she went to China because she would like to go to somewhere different, somewhere that has challenges for her that will help her improve herself. And there were challenges, all right. The competition in the highly populated country is super high– and maintaining her status as a famous person is difficult, but she manages to pull through it all.

“I am very fortunate, because I am the only Shila in China with this image, and once they see me in my colorful scarf, they would know “Oh, that’s Shila.’ So yeah, I’m pretty lucky,” she says.

About writing her own songs, Shila says that the inspiration could come from anywhere. Having composed and lyricized an entire album by herself, she always has a phone and a notepad ready in case she suddenly has an idea in mind. Sometimes, she says, when you’re too focused the inspiration will not come to you.

I’m really looking forward to Shila’s performance on New Year’s. She will be riding along with songwriter Nathan Wang that day, and she will sing “Rising Above,” the theme song for Singpoli American BD’s 2018 Rose Float. The lyrics relate to the tale of the carp and the dragon gate, and it tells us to overcome our fears and face our challenges, trying again and again until you finally achieve your goals.

Singpoli American BD Rose Parade Float Press Conference ~~

Report by Junior Journalist Karen

The crowd of journalists was a bit overwhelming when I arrived at Pasadena for a press conference for Singpoli American BD’s rose float that will be one among the many floats in Pasadena 2018 Rose Parade. They’re all excited– this year, Singpoli’s float will have a special theme that will sing out — literally — to many of its audience. The theme “Rising Above” is based on the traditional tale of the carp and the dragon gate that tells a moral to never give up.

The four people who sat behind the conference table at Hotel Constance were (from left to right) N.D. Lala, Shila Amzah, Kin Hui, and Nathan Wang. Kin Hui, the CEO of Singpoli Capital Corporation says Singpoli’s float will be the first of its kind, one that enables AR (Augmented Reality). He has invited Malaysian singer Shila Amzah was invited to perform atop the float on January 1, 2018 the theme song of the beautiful float, titled “Rising Above.” The song is composed by the renowned Nathan Wang and lyricized by his son. The song, as Mr. Wang describes, is a very inspirational piece of music. It describes how there are many hardships in life, but if you never give up you will eventually overcome these hardships.

Other speakers at the conference include N.D. Lala, Shila’s father as well as her manager. He believes the song is very relatable to Shila, because she has had many obstacles to overcome in her path to fame. The two guest speakers were Kevin Chen, the CEO of Frankie– a denim clothing collection, and Richard Au-Yeung, who will be directing the music video for the song on the day of the parade.

Nathan Wang, who was successfully invited to compose “Rising Above” for this event, is famous all over the world. He’s written so much amazing music, and has won three Emmy Awards. He feels very honored to work with Shila and ride with her on the float on New Years Day.  Shila Amzah, who won international fame on the popular music show in China I Am a Singer flew on the Philippine Airlines to Los Angeles, and she excited not only because it is her first time to ride on a rose float, but also because it is her first time at L.A. “I heard others tell me it is very cold here… but I feel the warmth of the people.”



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