熱愛太空科學的17歲女生 Amber Yang



華裔高中生 Amber Yang 從小熱愛科學,尤其鍾情於太空科學研究,幾年前看過科幻電影 Gravity 後,立志發明一項可以追蹤和預測太空垃圾的移動軌跡的電腦程式,預測成功率高達 98%,優秀的她前幾天剛獲得 MIT & CalTech 兩家大學優先錄取!

不過,就像許多女生一樣,Amber 也受到不少陌生人的質疑和忽視,認為女生就是數學和科學較差,甚至令自己也懷疑起自己的能力來,直至聽到她的老師一番鼓勵的話,才讓她豁然自信起來。上個月 Amber 在 TED 演講中分享她克服性別歧視的挑戰和經驗,大家一起來聽聽!

The world is a better place when we support each other and lean in together. When we fall into the trap of believing preconceived notions and stereotypes such as “girls can’t be scientists or mathematicians,” we are tearing down ourselves and preventing humanity from accelerating forward.

As a teenager and passionate advocate of STEM education, high school senior Amber Yang will share the story of how she learned to be fearless about pursing her goals and making a difference. The encouragement of the next generation of potential scientists, argues Yang, should never be undermined by preconceptions about gender.

Amber has just been accepted by both MIT and CalTech in her college application, with possibly more offers to come.