今年是選舉年,全美最大的連鎖玩具上 ToysRUs 玩具反斗城也趁著選舉熱潮,展開了全國招募「玩具總統」的活動,歡迎所有 9 ~ 13 歲熱愛玩玩具和遊戲的兒童報名參加,也就是所有小孩子咯!
Toys"R"Us has launched a nationwide hunt to fill the company’s, and perhaps the country’s, newest and most awesome job yet – President of Play. One lucky kid in the U.S. will soon be selected to spend a year playing with the hottest new toys and games and providing true expert recommendations to parents and gift-givers alike. The search is held online at Toysrus.com/PresidentofPlay, giving kids everywhere hope to land this dream job with the world’s leading dedicated toy retailer.
President of Play duties
The Toys”R”Us President of Play will spend a year playing with the hottest new toys and games. He or she will even be featured in video clips, plus participate in events around the USA as the voice of Toys”R”Us!
The first ever Toys”R”Us President of Play will represent children everywhere! He or she will be providing toy reviews to parents and gift-givers…which means they’ll get to play with the hottest toys before anyone else!
The President of Play’s responsibilities will include testing the most sought after toys, serving as a Toys"R"Us spokesperson, sharing the latest toy trends through online and promotional videos and attending events across the nation.
Nominate your child
Children between the ages of 9 and 13 – with a love for all things awesome – are eligible!
Nominate your child by creating a 1-2 minute video that lets their playful personality shine, as they tell us all about their favorite toy, doll, gadget or game. Enter your email below to get started.
Click here to complete registration form and submit video: Toysrus.com/PresidentofPlay
Applicants should be between the ages of 9 and 13 years old
Personality: must be comfortable on camera, confident, well spoken, energetic, and most importantly, love playing with toys.
All eligible videos will be evaluated based on originality, creativity and enthusiasm.
Last day to accept online registration" August 17, 2016 (11:59pm EST)
Semifinalists will be chosen to participate in an interview and audition with a panel of judges later this summer, followed by a public vote for the two to three semifinalists. The winner of the public vote will be elected to serve as the Toys"R"Us President of Play for a one year term.