Barnes and Nobles 流行漫畫文化活動


全美最大連鎖書店 Barnes and Nobles 在仲夏推出一連串流行漫畫活動,從 迪士尼 Finding Dory 到 Star Wars、DC 和 Marvel 的英雄漫畫、最近大熱的 Pokémon,以及 Comic Convention Collectibles 和各式日系漫畫 Manga,當然還有不可缺少的 Harry Potter!喜歡流行漫畫文學的大小朋友都絕不能錯過!

STAR WARS™: July 15th - 7PM. Calling fans of Wookiees, Stormtroopers and Jedi Knights! All ages are welcome for a special offer, trivia, bingo, giveaways, cosplay and a learn-to-play Star Wars X-Wing(TM) Game event. LEARN MORE

POKEMON™: July 16th - 4PM. Learn how to become a Pokemon Champion, take a photo with a Pikachu and Charizard standee, enjoy a special offer and more as we celebrate 20 years of Pokemon! LEARN MORE

MANGA: July 16th - 7PM. Celebrate manga with drawing and coloring activities from renowned manga artist Camilla d'Errico. Enjoy activities, cosplay and giveaways. LEARN MORE

 July 6th - 19th, All Manga Buy 2, Get the 3rd FREE* SHOP NOW. details

July 16-19, FREE Character Cards & Button Givevaways. In Stores Only. While supplies last.